DIDSBURY - The Town of Didsbury council has been presented with an administration review of the recent recreation and culture survey.
The survey, which saw 420 valid responses, was conducted in the spring to gather public input on the use of recreational and cultural facilities in the town.
Council was presented with the survey findings in May.
Survey respondents were asked to rate their satisfaction level with trails and pathways, greenspaces and parks, playgrounds, sportsfields, off-leash dog park, and other town facilities.
On May 14, council instructed administration to develop a report comparing the data collected during the 2019 survey with information and priorities outlined in the 2013 recreation and culture master plan, which also saw residents surveyed about recreation and culture facilities in town.
Administration presented the review report to council at the June 25 council meeting.
“Council’s intention is to utilize the results of the 2019 survey in comparison to the 2013 plan to determine the best future course for recreation and culture improvements in Didsbury,” the review report states.
• Regarding trails and pathways, 48 per cent of respondents in 2013 rated their satisfaction level as satisfied or very satisfied. In 2019, the total was 60 per cent.
• Regarding greenspaces and parks, the satisfied or very satisfied level in 2013 was 70 per cent, compared with 58 per cent in 2019.
• Regarding playgrounds, the satisfied or very satisfied level in 2013 was 70 per cent, compared with 53 per cent in 2019.
• Regarding sportsfield - baseball, the satisfied or very satisfied level in 2013 was 35 per cent, compared with 50 per cent in 2019.
• Regarding the skatepark, the satisfied or very satisfied level in 2013 was 24 per cent, compared with 19 per cent in 2019.
• Regarding soccer fields, the satisfied or very satisfied level in 2013 was 41 per cent, compared with 43 per cent in 2019.
• Regarding basketball court, the satisfied or very satisfied level in 2013 was 22 per cent, compared with 26 per cent in 2019.
• Regarding the tennis courts, the satisfied or very satisfied level in 2013 was 21 per cent, compared with 13 per cent in 2019.
• Regarding the library, the satisfied or very satisfied level in 2013 was 71 per cent, compared with 69 per cent in 2019.
• Regarding the Didsbury museum, the satisfied or very satisfied level in 2013 was 55 per cent, compared with 65 per cent in 2019.
Council passed a motion accepting the 2019 Town of Didsbury Recreation and Culture survey review and instructing administration to “blend the 12019 recreation priorities and the 2019 outlying plan priorities, updating the 2019 master plan with the 2013 master plan.”
Council also passed a motion directing administration to “work with community groups to create the cultural master plan to be completed by December 2020.”
In a separate motion, council instructed administration to “compile a complete and detailed list of services financial, in-kind and time, including real and estimated values provided to Didsbury for not-for-profit organizations so far in 2019.”
Coun. Dorothy Moore did not attend the June 25 council meeting.