The Mountain View Marksman’s Association is planning to conduct a day of test firing at its Olds-area range on Saturday, say officials.
The testing will involve both pistol and rifle shots of various calibres, both with and without sound abatement devices, says association president Bill Sheehan.
The association applied for and received a special events permit from Mountain View County on April 10 to conduct the tests on May 4 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
If weather conditions aren’t good that day, the test would take place on May 11 at the same times.
The range is located approximately two kilometres south of Highway 27 off Rge. Rd. 23 (at NW 27-32-2-4). It has been closed for a number of years and the test shots are part of an effort to have the facility reopened for members.
“The purpose of this test shoot is to measure and verify our new sound abatement devices, shooting shack reconfigurations, and sound barriers, which will mitigate the sound of rifle fire to a level that will not be an irritation to our neighbours,” said Sheehan.
The monitoring will be conducted by Calgary-based sound engineering firm dBa Noise Consultants Ltd.
Sheehan could not say exactly how many shots will be made, saying it will depend on the requirements of the sound engineer.
Once the testing is done, the association will be going back to Mountain View County, he said.
“It is the intention of the association to then proceed with an application to the county for re-designation to direct control for some or all of our property,” he said.
“It is our intention that direct control zoning would lead to reopening of the range for use of our members. It is expected that direct control will lead to some control of our hours of operations.”
The test shoot will not be open to the public, he said.