Bearberry Hall president Kathie Morris says they've booked a unique act for their steak fry supper at the hall Aug. 23: The Wardens; three guys who've worked in the parks service. They sing, tell stories and recite poems about that life.
They are Bradley Bischoff, who has worked in Canadian parks from Vancouver Island to Iqaluit, retired park warden Scott Ward, and Ray Schmidt, who started as a warden service dispatcher and is now a new media specialist for parks.
“I'd never heard of them until we went to a concert last fall,” Morris says.
“Their songs are derived from their stories and their life experience and what they've done in the parks through the years. I would say it's kind of country-ish. Their songs kind of tell their stories.
“They have a giant screen behind them throughout the concert. The pictures they've taken throughout the years are clicked through. They'll stop and tell stories. They might relate their stories to what's happening on the screen behind them. They're quite good; I enjoyed them.”
The Wardens will perform at 8 p.m. at Bearberry Hall after a steak fry supper at the hall which begins at 5 p.m.
That supper and entertainment caps the first day of a two-day wagon ride/trail ride through the Bearberry area which begins at 9 a.m. from Teepee Creek.
On Sunday, Aug. 24, the wagon ride/trail ride will resume.
First, a cowboy breakfast will be held at Bearberry Community Hall, starting at 8:30 a.m. Then the ride/wagon trek will tour the Bearberry Valley and visit old homesteads. Lunch will be held at the Diamond Buffalo Guest Ranch at 12:30 p.m. The event will end at about 3 p.m. at the Bearberry Community Hall.
Morris says about 50 people, including about 10 wagons, are registered for the tour so far, which is part of the Bearberry community's 75th anniversary celebrations.
“We decided The Wardens kind of fit in to that theme per se,” she says.
Morris says the wagon ride/trail ride and steak supper/concert is not necessarily a fundraiser, but any extra money made from it will go toward keeping the Bearberry Hall in operation.
You have maintenance and utilities (costs),” she says. “If you want to keep it open you have to have something to help you keep running it.”
There are costs associated with this event. For more information, check out the website: