DIDSBURY - With the warmer spring weather it's time for spring cleaning.
In Didsbury, the town in conjunction with Mountain View Regional Waste Management Commission will be hosting a community wide garage sale on May 27 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.
"We're also going to be selling a number of items at the public works office (2602 19th St.)," said Greg Skotheim, manager of public works and infrastructure.
"Mostly chairs, household items, bikes and so on as part of the community wide garage sale. We have a lot of unclaimed items, RCMP items, chairs from the new office."
Anyone hosting a garage sale that day can call Didsbury Neighbourhood Place at 403-335-8719 and be added to the community map for only $10.
The deadline for submission to appear on the map is May 19.
"The map is printed on May 23 and will be published on the town's social media pages," he said. "Copies can be picked up at the town office, recreation complex and the library. On May 27 they will also be on sandwich boards located at various locations in town like at Tim Hortons and the four-way stop."
Landfill days are May 29 to June 2 from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., while appliance day is May 30 and curbside day is May 31.
"We have a program where town staff will pick up old fridges, stoves, washers," he said. "We also do curbside pickup for elderly and disabled residents. We come and pick up waste and deliver it to the landfill."
To participate, residents need to pick up a tag at the public works office.