At the grassroots level in Central Alberta, there's support for the movement to unite small-c conservatives among Wildrose members.
Michael Robertson is the president of the Wildrose Party's Olds-Didsbury-Three Hills constituency association. He said members are divided into three camps but those who want to ally with the Progressive Conservative Party make up the largest.
"Most of my members would agree with the statement that Brian Jean has played out, that we would like to unite the right," Robertson said.
Those members are fed up with the NDP government and even if they do not agree with everything the PCs stand for, are willing to share the common ground between them, he said.
Some others are not sure about a merger. There are also those opposed to it.
"We formed the party because we were upset with the corruption and infighting of the PCs … a loss of any kind of sense that spending needed to be controlled and ethics needed to be upheld. There are some that are understandably reserved about the idea," he said.
Over on the PC side, there's optimism that the party can rebuild itself, without the Wildrose.
Rob Smith, the party's Olds-Didsbury-Three Hills riding association president, understands the idea that uniting two right-of-centre factions makes conservatism stronger. However, he points to the most recent federal election as proof that it's not necessary.
Smith said many suggested that neither the NDP nor Liberal parties could defeat the Conservatives without joining together.
On election day, that wasn't the case and Smith said they can achieve that feat in Alberta.
"I think that absolutely, if you listen to what Albertans say, one of those two parties on the right side of the political spectrum in Alberta can still capture the imagination of the majority of Albertans. And I believe the only party that can do that is the Progressive Conservative Party," he said.
"Most of my members would agree with the statement that Brian Jean has played out, that we would like to unite the right." MICHAEL ROBERTSON, Wildrose constituency association president for Olds-Didsbury-Three Hills