Although the Alberta wildfire season ended on Oct. 31, wildfires can start at any time of the year, according to officials.
“Although fire permits are no longer required, always be sure to burn safely and ensure your fire is extinguished,” Barry Shellian, wildfire ranger and information officer with Environment and Sustainable Resource Development, told the Gazette.
Since April 1, 1,414 wildfires were recorded throughout the province, burning 23,113 hectares. There were 1,207 wildfires recorded during the 2013 wildfire season.
In the Rocky Mountain House Wildfire Management Area, 76 wildfires were recorded this year, burning 9,000.88 hectares.
“Of these, 25 were lightning caused, five are currently under investigation and 46 were human caused,” he said.
He encourages people to create a fire smart environment, as the majority of wildfires in Alberta have been human caused.
For the past three years, the Alberta wildfire season has started a month earlier, which officials say could become a regular occurrence.
“Our research and statistics show that wildfires are consistently starting earlier each year,” he said.
“The leaves, the branches and the dried grass from the year before are still there and ready to combust because they're not green yet.”
To report a wildfire in Alberta, call 310-FIRE (3473).
"Always be sure to burn safely and ensure your fire is extinguished."Barry Shellian