DIDSBURY - The Didsbury Lacrosse Association (DLA) held a try-it night last week to give potential players a chance to try out the game.
Lacrosse is a sport similar to hockey except played on a concrete (ice rink without ice) or gym floor with shoes, protective gear, and special sticks that allow a player to carry the ball, pass it in the air and shoot it at the net.
DLA social media gatekeeper Joyce MacPherson-Litke said the try-it night went well.
"Our try-it night was well attended and the kids really enjoyed themselves," said MacPherson-Litke. "Our club is excited to see so many younger kids starting out in this great sport."
The association currently has 73 players registered for the 2018 season with five teams: tyke, novice, peewee, bantam and midget.
"It is still early days and we are still accepting registrations to play," she said. "All of our kids are always excited and ready to play lacrosse; this season is no exception."
The season officially starts with the Eye-Opener Tournament on the April 14-15 weekend. The season runs from April until the end of June and then playoffs start, said MacPherson-Litke.
Anyone still interested in playing can register online through the DLA website at didsburylacrosse.ca. The association is open to players from Carstairs, Cremona and Didsbury.