Olds High School student Sara Odersky finished eighth in her category at the provincial badminton championships held May 6 and 7 in Strathmore.
She was competing in the intermediate girls division against 15 other players.
There were a total of 240 players at the provincials.
Odersky won her first match, putting her into the A side of the draw, but she tied her next match and lost her remaining two.
“Most of the people there were all club badminton players so the competition was pretty hard but it was great experience,” she said.
Odersky said the experience was valuable and will give her insight heading into next season.
“I had a great time. It was great competition and it was really hard but I'm looking forward to going back next year,” she said, noting that because most of the competitors she went up against play club badminton, she now knows what to shoot for. Odersky's goal next year is to place in the top three in her category at the provincials.