MOUNTAIN VIEW COUNTY - There were 209 building permits issued in Mountain View County in 2024 with a total value of $41.7 million, down slightly from 2023 totals.
Yearly permit statistics were included in a report from the planning and development department recently presented to the county's council. The report included fourth quarter and 2024 statistics.
The county issued 17 commercial building permits valued at $2.4 million, two industrial permits valued at $740,000, four industrial permits valued at $2.8 million, and 186 residential permits valued at $35,802,605, for a total of $41,783,890.
In 2023, a total of 240 permits were issued valued at $43,191,974; in 2022 a total of 227 permits were issued valued at $45,554,430.
There were 338 planning applications in 2024, down slightly from 2023’s total of 342.
There were 890 permitting applications in 2024, including 209 for building permits, 313 for electrical, 214 for gas, 81 for plumbing and 68 for inspections. In 2023, the total was 961.
A total of 132 bylaw complaints were received in 2024, including 66 under the dog bylaw, 26 under the land use bylaw, and 13 under the unsightly premises bylaw. In 2023, the total was 128.
The planning and development report also included updates on the Sundre Airport Concept Plan, the Bergen area structure plan review, and the municipal development plan.
Council accepted the planning and development report as information.