MOUNTAIN VIEW COUNTY - The county’s peaces officers issued a total of 456 tickets in 2023, with fines totalling $132,651, according to the department’s annual report.
The 2023 community peace officer report outlines enforcement and other statistics and was presented during a recent council meeting.
Mountain View County employs four peace officers with level 1 designations, allowing officers to enforce provincial legislation such as the Traffic Safety act, the Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis Act, the Dangerous Dog Act, and the Animal Protection Act. The officers also enforce county bylaws.
“The program has seen a slight increase in traffic stops (in 2023),” the report states. “Bylaw complaints/inquires have also seen a slight increase from the previous year.”
Of the tickets issued in 2023, the most were in November (75), August (70) and September (59).
There were 128 bylaw inquiry/complaints, compared with 100 in 2022, 429 speeding incidents, compared with 357 in 2022, 19 other traffic incidents such as tinted windows, and 42 land use incidents, compared with 43 in 2022.
Rural neighbourhoods that saw the most tickets issued were Jackson (65), Dogpound (49), Hainstock (43) and Bergen (36).
Policing priorities in 2023 included commercial vehicle compliance, speed compliance, distracted driving compliance, emergency response, and fire ban bylaw enforcement.