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MLAs' travel offensive, say local community leaders

Olds, Sundre-area MLAs regret actions of their fellow MLAs
MVT Tracy Allard
Municipal Affairs Minister Tracy Allard resigned after public outcry with her decision to travel out of the country in the past month. Photo courtesy of Alberta government

MOUNTAIN VIEW COUNTY - Local elected officials and business leaders are among those expressing outrage over revelations that UCP MLAs conducted non-essential international travel over the past month as ordinary citizens were encouraged to avoid travel during the deadly COVID-19 pandemic.

Olds-Didsbury-Three Hills UCP MLA Nathan Cooper and Rimbey-Rocky Mountain House-Sundre UCP MLA Jason Nixon are also expressing regret over the actions of their fellow government MLAs.

The travel has caused wide-spread condemnation from various quarters since becoming public last week.

Mountain View County reeve Bruce Beattie says the actions of the MLAs was wholly unacceptable.

“It surprises me that they would be doing that,” said Beattie. “It’s really disappointing to see people in those positions going against every principle of trying to reduce the spread of this virus that has affected so many people’s lives. You just have to wonder why people in that position would not realize that it isn’t acceptable.

“I think it is a good indication of why we are seeing the numbers of COVID that we are because while we take the philosophy that these are the things we should be doing, a lot of people just don’t take that seriously and apparently our leaders, who are the ones who should be setting an example, have unfortunately made the same types of mistakes.”

Beattie calls Premier Kenney’s initial decision last week not to discipline the MLAs a mistake.

“I’m surprised and disappointed in that as well,” he said. “I think there has to be some consequences and I’m surprised that the premier wouldn’t consider that there should be appropriate consequences for going against the principle of not taking any international travel.”

UCP MLAs Jeremy Nixon, Tanya Fir, Jason Stephan, Pat Rehn, Tany Yao and Tracy Allard all reportedly travelled outside Canada during the past month. Jamie Huckabay, the premier’s chief of staff, also left the county.

On Monday, Kenney said on his Facebook page that he had accepted Allard’s resignation as Municipal Affairs minister, Jeremy Nixon’s resignation as Parliamentary Secretary for Civil Society, and Stephan’s resignation on Treasury Board. He also said MLAs Fir, Rehn, and Yao have lost their legislative committee responsibilities, and that Huckabay has stepped down.

Echoing reeve Beattie’s comments, Didsbury mayor Rhonda Hunter says the travelling MLAs’ actions were selfish and unreasonable.

“I really am offended by it, that these MLAs and support staff believe that they can do something like that,” said Hunter. “It nags at me and it shouldn’t be overlooked. It is certainly offensive to me and I think it will be a tough go for these MLAs to gain respect back.”

“I had a new grandson on Dec. 22 and I can’t even see him or hold him other than from 10 feet away. We are doing everything that the government of Alberta has asked us to do.”

Area business owners and employees have good reason to be offended by the MLAs’ actions, she said.

“They are suffering great hardships right now and it’s a difficult time, so I believe they would be slighted and offended by this,” she said. “They are doing everything they can to survive and then they hear about MLAs doing this. I can’t imaging the business owners are going to be pleased.”

Chris Vardas is the owner of Original T's restaurant in Sundre.

“I had to layoff 26 staff members at Christmastime and then I find out (MLAs) are going on vacation when we are told to be staying at home? That’s just not right,” said Vardas. “I had to lay people off and they are out there enjoying life.

“We couldn’t even get together with our family members during Christmas. When they say they (MLAs) didn’t clearly understand the rules, what’s to understand? Everybody else understood.”

MLA Cooper, the speaker of the Legislative Assembly, says the actions of the travelling MLAs has damaged the public’s trust in the government.

“I, like many Albertans and constituents I’ve heard from in Olds-Didsbury-Three Hills over the past few days, was very disappointed to learn what happened over the past couple of weeks,” Cooper said. “Frankly my expectation is we lead by example on these things and when we fail to do so I think the public and constituents expect there to be measures put in place to deal with the situation and make sure it doesn’t happen again.

“It’s crucial that the government has the trust of Albertans and this certainly put a massive mark on that trust.”

Cooper says he has voiced his concerns with party leadership.

“I've expressed my disappointment and I hope that that feedback is received,” he said. “I haven’t spoken directly to the premier, but certainly to members of our leadership team. I think it is important that the government works diligently to rebuild trust with Albertans and that’s my intention in the constituency.”

MLA Jason Nixon, minister of Environment and Parks, provided a statement to the Albertan.

“Like many Albertans and constituents of Rimbey-Rocky Mountain House-Sundre, I am profoundly disappointed that some of my colleagues chose to travel over the Christmas holidays,” Nixon said in the release.

“This shows a serious lack of judgment on their part, particularly as so many are facing economic hardship and have made their own sacrifices over the holidays.

“To see those in positions of leadership not leading by example is incredibly frustrating. What took place over the holidays was unacceptable and I will continue to ensure that Albertans’ anger and disappointment are heard loud and clear.”

NDP leader Rachel Notley says all 24 of her MLAs were in Alberta during the holidays. She called the government MLAs’ actions unacceptable.

“It is a betrayal of trust that this government must have with their constituents in the middle of a pandemic,” said Notley.

Dan Singleton

About the Author: Dan Singleton

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