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A full list of the newest additions and promotions to the Order of Canada

OTTAWA — Rideau Hall has released the names of the newest additions to, and promotions in the Order of Canada. Here is the list with each hometown and citation.


Yann Martel (Saskatoon, Sask.): For his contributions to literature and for his philanthropic commitment to the betterment of his region.

The Honourable Murray Sinclair (St. Andrews, Man.): For his commitment to the representation of Indigenous legal issues, and for his dedication to reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Canadians.


Mehran Anvari (Hamilton, Ont.): For his exemplary leadership in the innovative field of telerobotic surgery.

Carl-Éric Aubin (Saint-Lambert, Que.): For building bridges between the fields of engineering and musculoskeletal medicine by creating innovative diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic tools.

Neil Devindra Bissoondath (Québec, Que.): For his contributions to Canadian literature through his groundbreaking examinations of multiculturalism and diversity.

Liona Boyd ( Toronto, Ont.): For her significant and sustained contributions to Canada’s musical landscape as “The First Lady of Guitar.” (This is a promotion.)

Barry D. Bultz (Calgary, Alta.): For his sustained contributions to the field of psychosocial oncology, notably his pioneering research of distress as the sixth vital sign.

Pieter Cullis (Vancouver, B.C.): For his contributions to the advancement of biomedical research and drug development, and for his mentorship of the next generation of scientists and entrepreneurs.

Navjeet Singh Dhillon (Calgary, Alta.): For his achievements in business, and for his unwavering commitment to philanthropy and higher education.

The Honourable Lillian Eva Quan Dyck (Saskatoon, Sask.): For her contributions to human rights and social justice, and for her powerful advocacy of First Nations and racial minorities in Canada.

Connie J. Eaves (Vancouver, B.C.): For advancing our understanding of cancer development, and for her national and international leadership in stem cell biology.

The Honourable David Ross Fitzpatrick (Kelowna, B.C.): For his lifelong dedication to the cultural and economic development of the Okanagan, and for his leadership and conservation efforts in the region.

Geoffrey T. Fong (Waterloo, Ont.): For his research into improved risk messaging on tobacco products and for his role in reducing the global tobacco epidemic.

Evelyn L. Forget (Winnipeg, Man.): For advancing anti-poverty initiatives in Canada and around the world as a leading health economics researcher.

The Honourable Justice Hugh L. Fraser (Ottawa, Ont.): For his transformative contributions to Canadian sport as an internationally recognized expert in sports law and as a former Olympian.

Victoria Grant (Stouffville, Ont.): For bridging the gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous culture, business and communities through her facilitation and mediation.

Margo Lainne Greenwood (Vernon, B.C.): For her scholarship as a professor of early childhood education, and for her transformational leadership in Indigenous health policy.

Frances Henry (Toronto, Ont.): For her groundbreaking contributions to the study of racism in contemporary democratic society.

Tomson Highway (Gatineau, Que.): For his sustained and distinguished contributions to theatre and Canadian culture as one of our foremost playwrights and novelists. (This is a promotion.)

C. Céleste Johnston (Hunts Point, N.S.): For her foundational research in neonatal pain and for further advancing the field as a beloved mentor.

Vaikuntam Iyer Lakshmanan (Mississauga, Ont.): For his philanthropy and for his expertise in hydrometallurgy and business, which have greatly benefited his profession, community and Canada-India relations.

Frederick A. Leighton (Bear River, N.S.): For his contributions to veterinary medicine as a clinical pathologist and as an internationally renowned scholar specializing in wildlife disease.

J. Roger Léveillé (Winnipeg, Man.): For his innovative literary achievements, and for supporting generations of Franco-Man.)n artists, thus contributing to the cultural enrichment of Canada.

Patricia Livingston (Halifax, N.S.): For her contributions to global health and anesthesia safety, and for her commitment to improving medical education in underserved communities around the world.

Alejandro G. Marangoni (Guelph, Ont.): For his contributions to organic chemistry and for his groundbreaking work developing emulsions to replace saturated and trans fats in foods.

Roderick R. McInnes (Mount Royal, Que.): For his continued contributions to the field of neurogenetics and for his strong leadership within Canada’s research community. (This is a promotion.)

Donald Chisholm McKenzie (Sidney, B.C.): For his expertise in sports medicine and for his seminal research on the effectiveness of exercise as an intervention for breast cancer patients.

Former national chief Ovide William Mercredi (Winnipeg, Man.): For his lifelong advocacy of Indigenous rights and non-violence, and for his skillful leadership within and beyond Indigenous communities nationwide.

Jacques Yves Montplaisir (Montréal, Que.): For improving the health of Canadians through his pioneering and instrumental research into the development and advancement of sleep medicine.

Helene Polatajko (Toronto, Ont.): For significantly advancing the understanding of developmental coordination disorder in children.

Edward J. Ratushny (Ottawa, Ont.): For his contributions to the field of administrative law, and for his leadership in sports arbitration and law. (This is a promotion.)

Jean Riley Senft (West Vancouver, B.C.): For her contributions to the sport of figure skating as one of Canada’s leading judges and promoter of fairer judging rules.

Graham David Sher (Ottawa, Ont.): For his contributions to public health and for being instrumental in the development of Canada’s largest blood system operator.

Helga Stephenson (Toronto, Ont.): For her enduring contributions to Canadian film and television as a leader, advocate and ambassador.

Angela Swan (Toronto, Ont.): For her long-standing contributions to the legal profession, particularly in the area of contract law, as a professor, lawyer, author and mentor.

Ian Tamblyn (Chelsea, Que.): For his enduring contributions as a folk music icon, adventurer and cultural ambassador for Canada.

Carol M. Tator (Toronto, Ont.): For her advocacy of social justice, and for her commitment to identifying and dismantling systemic racism in Canadian society.

D. R. Fraser Taylor (Ottawa, Ont.): For his innovative contributions to cartography, and for spearheading the theoretical and practical development of cybercartography.

Louise Trottier (Outremont, Que.): For her leadership in recognizing and preserving Quebec’s and Canada’s industrial heritage.

Verena Tunnicliffe (Victoria, B.C.): For her outstanding contributions to ocean sciences and for being a pioneer in the scientific exploration of the deep sea.

Mary Ellen Turpel-Lafond (North Saanich, B.C.): For her ongoing commitment to improving the child welfare system and supports for Indigenous people in B.C.).

Honorary member

Jackie Richardson (Thornhill, Ont.): For her contributions as a Canadian jazz legend, and as a leader and mentor to young performers in her community. (This is an honorary appointment.)


Harold Bassford (Toronto, Ont.): For his leadership as a university administrator and for his contributions to applied ethics in the health field.

Francine Bois (Laval, Que.) :For her dedicated leadership at the helm of the Salon du livre de Montréal, and for her promotion of its innovative programs.

Mary Ruth Brooks (Halifax, N.S.): For being an internationally renowned scholar in the field of marine transportation, performance and supply chain management.

Ann Buller (Toronto, Ont.): For her lifelong dedication and commitment to post-secondary education and to improving the lives of others through learning.

Judy Cameron (Oakville, Ont.): For her groundbreaking career in the aviation industry and for her inspirational leadership as the first Canadian woman to be hired as a pilot for a national airline.

The Honourable Sandra Chapnik (Toronto, Ont.): For her leadership in the community and in the legal sector, where she has promoted the advancement of women and encouraged best practices in the field.

Deborah Chatsis (Prince Albert, Sask.): For her leadership as the first member of a First Nation to serve as ambassador for Canada, and for her advocacy of human rights around the globe.

Ralph Chiodo (Toronto, Ont.): For his community engagement and generous philanthropy, and for his leadership in the automotive industry.

Lily Siewsan Chow (Victoria, B.C.): For preserving and promoting the history of early Chinese immigrants to Canada and their contributions to the country’s social and economic development.

Elder Ruth Christie (Selkirk, Man.): For her contributions to Indigenous history in Manitoba, and for her transformational mentorship as a storyteller and knowledge keeper.

Michael Patrick Collins (Oakville, Ont.): For his seminal work as an internationally renowned structural engineer who has focused on the behaviour of concrete subjected to shear.

Gail Cyr (Yellowknife, N.W.T.): For her distinguished career in municipal politics, and for her advocacy on behalf of missing and murdered women and victims of abuse.

Sharon Davis-Murdoch (Dartmouth, N.S.): For her dedication to improving the health equity and inclusion of racialized communities in Nova Scotia.

Janis Dunning and Jacques Lemay (Victoria, B.C.): For their numerous contributions to the arts and to young artists in Canada.

Max T. Eisen (North York, Ont.): For his contributions to Holocaust education, and for his promotion of transformational dialogue on human rights, tolerance and respect.

Robert Eisenberg (Toronto, Ont.): For his commitment to the revitalization of Toronto’s architectural heritage and for his community service benefiting the environment and youth.

John Estacio (Edmonton, Alta.): For his expertise as a composer and for his contributions to Canadian opera.

Charlie Kakotok Evalik (Cambridge Bay, Nu.): For his leadership and vision as a chief negotiator and architect of the social and economic development of Nunavut.

Mohamad Fakih (Mississauga, Ont.): For his business and community leadership, and for his philanthropic involvement in his community and abroad.

Graham Farquharson (Toronto, Ont.): For his innovative leadership operating one of Canada’s most northern Arctic mines, and for his philanthropic support of community organizations.

Patricia M. Feheley (Toronto, Ont.): For her long-standing contributions to the Canadian art scene, and for her promotion of Inuit art and culture.

Eleanor N. Fish (North York, Ont.): For her contributions to immunology, including her groundbreaking studies on the use of interferon-alpha in the treatment of disease.

Gerald Friesen (Winnipeg, Man.): For his contributions to Canadian historical discourse through his inclusive and comprehensive research on Indigenous and ethnic groups in western regions.

Rabbi Baruch Frydman-Kohl (Toronto, Ont.): For his spiritual and community leadership as head of the Beth Tzedec Synagogue in Toronto, and for fostering interfaith dialogue throughout Canada and beyond.

Janice R. Fukakusa (Toronto, Ont.): For her leadership and mentorship in banking, and for her boundless community engagement, notably in education and health care.

Leo Joel Goldhar (Toronto, Ont.): For his philanthropic contributions to health care, education and social services, notably as chair of the United Jewish Appeal Federation’s Tomorrow Campaign.

Morris Goodman (Hampstead, Que.): For enhancing the well-being of Canadians through his business endeavours in the pharmaceutical industry and for his transformative philanthropy.

Walter N. Hardy (Vancouver, B.C.): For his pioneering contributions to the fields of particle physics, materials science and high-temperature superconductivity, as a distinguished theorist and experimentalist.

Lucille Harper (Antigonish, N.S.): For her long-time leadership of the Antigonish Women’s Resource Centre and Sexual Assault Services Association, and for her ongoing activism against sexual violence.

Jane Heyman (Vancouver, B.C.): For her long-lasting contributions to Vancouver’s cultural landscape through her various roles within the theatre sector.

Jean Houde (Québec, Que.): For his leadership in the financial sector, and for his generous support for numerous causes related to the arts and culture in Quebec.

William Arthur Humber (Bowmanville, Ont.): For his contributions as Canada’s premier baseball historian, who has highlighted the key ways in which the sport’s history is linked to our nation.

Lawson A. W. Hunter (Ottawa, Ont.): For his distinguished career in government, business and private practice as one of the country’s leading competition and antitrust lawyers.

Kenneth W. Knox (Hampton, Ont.): For fostering a culture of innovation that influenced the Ontario Public Service over the past few decades, notably in the agricultural sector.

Vahan Kololian (Toronto, Ont.): For his community leadership and for his commitment to promoting Canadian diversity and pluralism.

Olga Eliza Korper (Toronto, Ont.): For her contributions to the visual arts through her impassioned promotion and exhibition of Canadian and international contemporary art.

Marc Labrèche (Saint-Lambert, Que.): For his unique sense of humour and his great talent as an actor, which have made him an icon of Quebec’s cultural landscape.

Gilbert Lacasse (Québec, Que.): For his contributions to the print media and book industries, and for his leadership as an administrator and volunteer.

Yves Lambert (Sainte-Mélanie, Que.): For his role in the revival, modernization and promotion of traditional French-Canadian music.

Barbara Landau (Toronto, Ont.): For her contributions to dispute resolution and family law reform as both a psychologist and lawyer, and for her advocacy of interfaith initiatives.

Gerald Andrew Edward Lawrence (Halifax, N.S.): For tirelessly advocating for people with disabilities and for accessibility, as a politician, radio host and community volunteer.

Pierre Legendre (Montréal, Que.): For pushing the boundaries of community ecology as a pioneer of numerical ecology, as well as for his broad mentorship.

Rose Lipszyc (Thornhill, Ont.): For her inspiring discourse as a Holocaust educator and for her thought-provoking presentations on the subject.

Allan S. MacDonald (Sydney, N.S.): For his pioneering innovations in the field of kidney, liver and pancreas transplantation, and for positively impacting the lives of patients, notably within Atlantic Canada.

Andrew Paul MacDonald (Sherbrooke, Que.): For his contributions to contemporary Canadian classical, jazz and electronic music, as an educator, composer and performer.

Eric Ross Macdonald Haldenby (Kitchener, Ont.): For his contributions to the advancement of architectural education in Canada, and for his efforts to preserve industrial and mid-century buildings.

Nona Macdonald Heaslip (Toronto, Ont.): For her ongoing philanthropic contributions to the Canadian arts sector and for supporting numerous academic scholarships across the country.

Joy Kathryn MacPhail (Vancouver, B.C.): For her pioneering contributions to politics and for her tireless advocacy of underserved and marginalized communities.

Ginette Mantha (Longueuil, Que.): For improving the lives of premature children by providing thousands of families with resources and support.

Gregory Marchildon (Gatineau, Que.): For his contributions to health care policy in Canada, and for his mentorship of the next generation of policy-oriented researchers.

Elizabeth McGregor (Douro-Dummer, Ont.): For her promotion of women in science and for her commitment to nurturing Canada’s next generation of leaders.

Robert Duff McKeown (Chelsea, Que.): For his excellence in investigative journalism for television.

Pradeep Merchant (Greely, Ont.): For his longstanding contributions to his community, including his philanthropy and his leadership in the promotion of bilateral ties between Canada and India.

Pamela J. Minns (St. Catharines, Ont.): For her contributions as a passionate volunteer and advocate of heritage preservation and revitalization in the Niagara region.

John Morrisseau (Grand Rapids, Man.): For his leadership as a politician and activist, and for his commitment to and advocacy of the Métis Nation throughout Canada.

Duff David Mostoway Roman (Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ont.): For his contributions to the Canadian music industry as a broadcaster and executive, and for his steadfast promotion of Canadian talent.

Kathy Murphy and Kevin Murphy (York, P.E.I.): For their leadership in Prince Edward Island’s conservation and tourism on Prince Edward Island, and for their mentorship of budding entrepreneurs in the hospitality industry.

Ralph Nilson (Nanaimo, B.C.): For his exemplary leadership as a university administrator, and for his student advocacy and commitment to the process of reconciliation.

Janice O’Born (Toronto, Ont.): For her generous leadership and philanthropic contributions, both personal and corporate, notably in support of the arts and health care.

Eva Olsson (Bracebridge, Ont.): For relentlessly promoting tolerance and for encouraging Canadians to rise against bullying and discrimination.

Barbara A. Paterson (Edmonton, Alta.): For her contributions to visual arts and for creating some of the most celebrated monumental sculptures in Canada.

Asger Rye Pedersen (Kugluktuk, Nu.): For his contributions to the growth and development of public government in the North.

W. Roman Petryshyn (Edmonton, Alta.): For his leadership in the evolution of multiculturalism in Canada, and for his advocacy of ethnocultural inclusion in mainstream society.

Robin Poitras (Regina, Sask.): For her creative contributions to contemporary dance in Canada, and for her leadership as artistic director of New Dance Horizons.

Lynn Posluns (Toronto, Ont.): For her contributions to research on women’s cognitive health and aging through the founding of the Women’s Brain Health Initiative.

Alexander Reford (Grand-Métis, Que.): For his leadership in the Canadian horticultural community, for bolstering regional tourism, and for promoting both heritage and environmental conservation.

Léo Robert (Winnipeg, Man.): For his contributions to Francophone education in Manitoba, and for his commitment to preserving and promoting the language province-wide.

Hazel Robinson and John Robinson (Charlottetown, P.E.I.): For their leadership in Prince Edward Island’s agriculture industry, and for their contributions to documenting local history in the community.

David Roche (Roberts Creek, B.C.): For his pioneering contributions to the field of disability art, and for promoting acceptance, inclusion and diversity across Canada and the United States.

Reginald Schwager (Toronto, Ont.): For his indelible contributions to the Canadian jazz scene as a leading guitarist and composer.

Harvey Lyon Secter (Winnipeg, Man.): For his leadership in business, law and academia, and for his philanthropic contributions to local initiatives in Manitoba, notably within the Jewish community.

Robert Irwin Silver (Winnipeg, Man.): For his influential leadership as a businessperson, community builder and philanthropist.

Robert Small (Toronto, Ont.): For his long-standing commitment to highlighting the accomplishments and contributions of Black people in all sectors of Canadian society.

Barry Smit (Guelph, Ont.): For his contributions to our understanding of climate change impacts and adaptation, and for his mentorship of the next generation of climate change scientists.

Diane Sowden (Powell River, B.C.): For her leadership in raising awareness of and preventing the sexual exploitation and human trafficking of children and youth.

Harriet H. Stairs (Toronto, Ont.): For advancing women’s opportunities within the financial sector, and for creating equitable and inclusive policies within corporate and community-based initiatives.

Sharon Elizabeth Straus (Toronto, Ont.): For her contributions to the field of knowledge translation and for her mentorship in the field of epidemiology.

Barbara G. Stymiest (Toronto, Ont.): For her trailblazing efforts in Canada’s financial and business sectors, as well as for her mentorship and community engagement.

Bruny Surin (Montréal, Que.): For his excellence in track and field, for supporting student-athletes and for promoting healthy lifestyles across the province.

Curtis A. Suttle (Vancouver, B.C.): For his innovative scholarship in the area of marine virology and for his mentorship of the next generation of scientists.

Cara Tannenbaum (Montréal, Que.): For her leadership in geriatrics, women’s health and gender research, and for her inter-professional collaborations to optimize healthy aging across the lifespan.

George M. Thomson (Kingston, Ont.): For his contributions to family law in Canada, and for his innovative leadership as a judicial educator and mentor.

Jean-Marie Toulouse (Mount Royal, Que.): For his leadership in the growth of HEC Montréal, and for his pioneering research in the fields of business and entrepreneurship.

Peter Vaughan (Halifax, N.S.): For his contributions to Canada’s health care system, and for his pioneering leadership in the establishment and advancement of digital health.

Gilles Vincent (Longueuil, Que.): For his leadership in the botanical garden community and for advancing phytoremediation at home and abroad.

Luc Vinet (Montréal, Que.): For his pivotal role in the evolution of mathematical physics and for his leadership as an academic administrator.

Janet Walker (Toronto, Ont.): For her expert legal authority in commercial arbitration and conflict of laws, and for advancing legal procedural standards in Canada.

Vaughn Wyant (Saskatoon, Sask.): For his contributions as a business leader in the auto industry in western Canada and for his community philanthropy.

Peter Zandstra (Vancouver, B.C.): For his pioneering leadership in the field of stem cell bioengineering and its subsequent innovative health and economic impacts.

David Zussman (Victoria, B.C.): For his contributions to public service management and policymaking, as a scholar, public servant and sought-after advisor.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published Dec. 29, 2021.

The Canadian Press

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