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ARCHER, Marion May



1928 - 2022

I Corinthians 15:51-57 – “Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed – in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed. For the perishable must clothe itself with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality. When the perishable has been clothed with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality, then the saying that is written will come true: “Death has been swallowed up in victory.” “Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?” The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But THANKS BE TO GOD! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” 

Marion May Eby was born June 17, 1928 in Beirut, Lebanon, to Daniel and Elizabeth Eby. She was the eldest of three daughters, and she had many fond memories of the time spent in Syria as a little girl. She told us that her daddy taught her to swim in the Mediterranean Sea, and that they spent summers in the mountains where it was cooler. When she was 9 years old, in 1938, the mission was ended, and her family came back to Ontario, Canada by ship, where they spent the winter. In the spring, Daniel and Elizabeth took up pastoral duties in Acadia Valley, Alberta. This was culture shock to Marion – she was used to Syrian food, customs and climate, and the Ontario and Alberta winters did not impress her.

For her parents, home was in Canada. For Marion, home was in Beirut, and her adjustment was not easy. Marion attended Mountain View Bible College in Didsbury, as a young woman, and also attended the University of Calgary, where she took teacher’s training.  She taught school in Galahad, Didsbury, Harmattan, and Olds Elementary School during her lifetime. She was an excellent teacher, her students loved her, and she commanded respect! On July 28, 1955, she married Jack Archer. For the first few years they lived on the family farm east of Didsbury, and then they moved to the Harmattan area, where Jack farmed. They were given three daughters; Shirley (Danny) Gillrie, Beverley (Lance) Taylor, and Jeannie (James) Quantz. Marion taught school and was active in her church. She and Jack loved to travel together. They drove north to Dawson City and Alaska at least three times. They went with another couple to Vancouver Island and took a sailboat trip with their old friend, Peter Waldin. They took a number of bus trips all around Canada and the US. And any old time, they would get in their truck and go for a drive around the local countryside, so that Jack could check out the crops, cattle, back roads and local wildlife. They were also fans of Dairy Queen ice cream!

Marion was a talented seamstress and she sewed clothing for her children, as well as for herself. She loved to quilt and to crochet. Each of her grandchildren and great grandchildren has at least one quilt or crocheted afghan, some of which were so well loved that they had to be replaced. Marion and Jack spent their final years together making quilts for charities such as MCC and the Mustard Seed. It was their greatest joy to be able, even in their last years, to be able to do something for others.

Marion and Jack were awesome grandparents, who made the effort, always, to attend every function that had meaning to their children and grandchildren. They were loving and kind and their grandchildren have many fond memories of time spent together. Their home was always welcoming, and a witness to their friends and neighbors of the love of Jesus in their lives. A young pastoral couple who came to their church many years ago have told us – “We were truly blessed to know them. Many times over the years we've referred to them as the ones who pastored us.”

The number of dear souls who would have met Marion at the gates of Heaven is overwhelming. Her loving, and much loved husband Jack; her parents Daniel and Elizabeth Eby; her sister Grace Eby; her Aunt Blanche Remington Eby, her father’s first wife; half-brothers and sisters who were born to Blanche, but who did not live; many Archer relatives. Max and May Archer, Paul and Florence Archer, Willard Archer, Gerri Atkin, Betty Archer, Gerald and Margaret Archer, Joyce Pratt, Edward Archer, Earl and Katherine Archer, David Archer and Granny Weir – the list is long and a reflection of our Christian heritage.

Those of us who are left and waiting for the same reunion in Heaven are Shirley and Danny Gillrie, their two daughters and two sons-in-law and their families; a total of 11 great grandchildren, 4 step-great grandchildren; a step-great great granddaughter to be born in April; Beverley and Lance Taylor and their two daughters; James and Jeannie Quantz and their four children and one daughter-in-law; Marion’s sister Ruth Maconochie, Jack’s sister Helen; many cousins, nieces and nephews.

Marion and Jack gave the greatest of gifts to their family and friends. They loved the Lord above all else, they loved their neighbors as themselves, they adored each other, they showed us how to live in harmony. And in the end, they showed us how to die victoriously. Their lives are a testimony to each of us. And so now, with great joy, we can say to our beloved parents – “goodnight,” Mom and Dad “we’ll see you in the morning.”

A memorial service will be Sunday February 27, 2022 at the Zion Evangelical Missionary Church Didsbury, Alberta at 2:30 pm  A live stream of the memorial service may be viewed starting 2:30 pm at In lieu of flowers, memorial tributes may be made directly to Mountain View Seniors Housing Aspen Ridge Lodge. Heartland Funeral Services Ltd., Didsbury entrusted with arrangements. 403-335-4773 Condolences may be made or viewed at


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