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Charity supports family during heart surgeries

Olds residents Misty Reimer and her husband were overwhelmed when they discovered their young twin son needed heart surgeries -- 10 in all.
Misty Reimer relays what her family has gone through with their son, Grey, who underwent 10 surgeries.

Olds residents Misty Reimer and her husband were overwhelmed when they discovered their young twin son needed heart surgeries -- 10 in all.

Fortunately, the local charity, Hope 4 MVC Kids, helped cover costs so they could be there with him at Stollery Children's Hospital in Edmonton.

Reimer outlined the situation and the assistance they received during a Hope 4 MVC Kids fundraiser at the Willow Lane Barn, east of Olds.

"(During) the first eight out of 10 surgeries that my son has had, I didn't have the chance to be present, to be there with him," Reimer said.

"I was there as a person, but I was learning everything medically. They were telling me terminologies, and telling me what this condition does and why this doesn't work and what possibly could have caused this, and I was just lost. And I had nowhere to turn for those first eight surgeries.

"Without the charity and the sponsors and the volunteers and the board being there — it's allowed me to be present. They allowed me to be part of my child's journey and I've been so appreciative of that," she said.

"The charity has changed me in a lot of ways because it took a lot of the burden off me financially and it also helped where I knew that my rent was being paid at home. I knew where my next meal was coming from."

Reimer urged all those in attendance to spread the word about Hope 4 MVC Kids and what it does so more families can learn about it and benefit from it.

Reimer relayed a kind of spooky incident that happened while they were in Edmonton.

"Out of surgery, my one little guy said, 'mom, I did it.' And I said 'yeah, you sure did, little man. You're stronger than you'll ever know.'

"Well, his brother was back in Olds having dinner and we were in Edmonton. And Grey goes, 'mom, it stinks like roast beef in here.' And I said, 'what? Why do you say that?' (He said) 'I don't know.' (And I said) 'well, we'd better call your brother and let him know you're out of surgery.'

"So I called his brother (and said) 'hey buddy, what are you doing?' 'Oh, I'm at Great-grandma's house. I'm just having roast beef dinner,'" she said, sparking laughter.

"It's special moments like that that this charity allows you to be there with your family. You're not worried about expenses, you're not worried about your life at home because they also take care of the siblings and consider you whole, as a family, so thank you," Reimer said.

"Thank you for making me feel valuable, special and supported in such a journey -- not only as an individual, but families benefit from it and our community is positively affected."

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