How are YOU doing?
As everyone is hunkering down and facing this undefined period of isolation, we hope this finds you and yours all well and safe.
The COVID-19 pandemic is taking an immeasurable toll on the world, forcing millions of people to adopt an extraordinary and solitary new way of life.
We live in an amazing community and it is inspiring how we are coping and making the most of the “new normal.”
We are showing how much we care by:
• Posting thoughtful, funny (often hilarious) and comforting messages on social media.
• Connecting with friends and family on FaceTime and Zoom over games or a meal.
• Reaching out by phone and encouraging others to do the same.
• Picking up, delivering groceries and making meals for those who are more vulnerable as well as essential workers.
• Leaving money at the grocery store for those who are struggling financially because of Covid-19.
• Restaurants pulling together and helping to deliver and provide meals for truckers.
• Thanking essential workers by organizing dates and times for everyone to shout it out from front doors, balconies and decks.
• Organizing virtual board games with friends and family.
• Having special hours for seniors to do their grocery shopping.
• Making masks, etc.
• Helping grandchildren with their homeschooling (easier said than done in some cases).
• COVID-19 UPDATE: Follow our COVID-19 special section and interactive map for the latest local and national news on the coronavirus pandemic, as well as resources, FAQs and more.
How are you coping? Is there something you would like to share? Let us know and we can write about it in our next column.
Things are evolving and will continue to change.
The federal government is giving $9 million through United Way Canada to help local organizations support seniors with services, including grocery delivery, medications and check-ins.
In Alberta seniors can contact 211 if they need help finding resources in their community.
Please let us know of any helpful resources or services in your community. We can include them in one of our columns.
We are a community that prides itself on volunteerism. Many volunteers are seniors.
We hope you will share the following information that we found useful.
Kim Rowe the community development officer from Alberta Culture, Multiculturalism and Status of Women provided the following information for both societies and charities and the postponement of deadlines.
Alberta societies
Due to COVID-19, corporations, partnerships, cooperatives, and non-profit organizations registered with Corporate Registry will likely have difficulty holding their annual general meetings and, subsequently, filing their annual returns.
Please be advised that corporations, non-profit companies, and societies may postpone any upcoming annual general meetings and delay filing their annual returns until such time as provincial/local gathering restrictions have been lifted.
These groups will remain active in Alberta, and will not have their corporations or organizations dissolved due to a missed filing deadline.
Federal charities
As part of government actions taken in dealing with the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Charities Directorate is extending the filing deadline to December 31, 2020 for all charities with a Form T3010, Registered Charity Information Return due between March 18, 2020 and December 31, 2020.
This will allow charities more time to complete and submit their T3010, recognizing that charities will be focused on deploying their resources to address the effects of the COVID-19 virus situation.
We can view this crisis as an opportunity.
It may provide a time to reflect and become grounded in what is most important and most needed.
We can continue to build community deliberately in the future.
If that is a conversation that you would like to have, please let us know by email Taunya Shewciw ([email protected]) or phoning 403-556-1105 or writing to the Olds Institute, Attention Age-friendly Initiative 5102 – 51 St. T4H 1H1.
In the meantime, please stay safe and as healthy as possible.
Age Friendly Committee of the Olds Institute.