OLDS — On Jan. 22, the Olds and District Hospice Society (ODHS) hit a milestone: its 10th anniversary.
Unfortunately, members of the board of directors were unable to celebrate that accomplishment that day because many of them were away.
So on Jan. 29 they plan to mark the occasion during their board meeting with a little celebration featuring cake and balloons. Volunteers will also be invited to celebrate.
The purpose of the ODHS is to provide help people and their families deal with end of life in as caring and compassionate a way as possible.
“We provide support — emotional, physical and psychological,” says Mary Smith, the society’s executive director.
“We want to provide an environment so the end of life can be the best it can be.”
The society was the brainchild of five women back in 2007.
After a lot of work and the assistance of a Calgary palliative care physician, on Jan. 22, 2010, organizers got the green light to officially create the society.
About five years ago, a couple of hospice suites were opened in the Seasons Encore facility.
Late last year, Smith became the society’s first-ever executive director.
In addition to the celebration during the board meeting, other plans to mark the anniversary include promotions on social media.
This year’s annual Hike For Hospice on May 3 will focus on the anniversary.
It will also be the focus of the society’s gala, which will be held Nov. 28 at the Olds College Alumni Centre.