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Kudos to club at 50th anniversary event

The Olds Lions Club celebrated its 50th birthday by holding a 50th anniversary charter night at the legion April 28.
Judge Brian Stevenson, a longtime Lions club member himself, was the guest speaker during the Olds Lions Club night April 28 at the legion, during which the club celebrated 50 years of existence in the community.

The Olds Lions Club celebrated its 50th birthday by holding a 50th anniversary charter night at the legion April 28.

The guest speaker for that event was past Lions International president Judge Brian Stevenson, who noted he himself has been a Lion for more than 50 years.

"There's been a sea change in Olds and Alberta and Canada and the world since 1968, but the one thing that has not changed and that's the commitment of this club -- the Olds Lions Club -- to make things better for their community and the surrounding area," he said.

"The members of the Olds Lions Club believe in our motto: we serve, and the truth of our centennial theme: where there's a need there's a Lion. And their clear and consistent pride in their community and in their membership in the Olds Lions Club has been their hallmark since 1968."

During a 32-minute speech, Stevenson cited a long list of projects the Olds Lions Club has launched or been involved in, ranging from helping to create Horizon School and P.U.G. (pick up garbage day) to support for the Christmas Angels and Henry's community Christmas dinner.

Among other things, they also support Olds High School leadership club and scholarship, youth sports in Olds, the Ride For Sight, the Mountain View Food Bank, Meals on Wheels, the skateboard park, the golf course shelters, and Habitat For Humanity.

"Over the past six years -- just the past six years -- the Olds Lions have made contributions totalling close to $300,000," Stevenson said.

In fact, he was told over the past 50 years, that total might be close to $1 million.

"What a great Lions Club. And one has to wonder what would Olds be without the Lions? What motivated these community leaders to give so much of their time, their considerable talents, and yes, their personal resources, to improve Olds?

"You can find it in our motto: we serve. And you can find it in the philosophy; that a truly civilized society will only survive, will only progress, if its citizens display consistently and openly, that they care for each other. And the Olds Lions have worn that philosophy on their sleeves for 50 years," he said.

"But Lions clubs and their members are much more than being simply a contributor of money. What we are known for are acts of kindness," Stevenson said, describing being a Lion as "really and truthfully the practical application of a person's religion."

"I believe that application: doing unto others as you would have them do unto you is what has motivated the members of this club for 50 years," Stevenson said.

"And we find that application in each one of your projects; projects that reinforce the fundamental purpose for which Lions exist, and that's to care for each other; particularly projects that assist the less fortunate, as well as making Olds and area a better place in which to live."

Stevenson said over the past 50 years, members of the Olds Lions Club have made "a positive and lasting difference to the social fabric of Olds. And to the lifestyles of generations of all of its residents."

"On behalf of Lions Clubs International and on behalf of your brothers and sisters throughout the world, I say congratulations on 50 years of service and best wishes for another 50 years," he said.

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