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MPC approves group home application

The Town of Olds’ municipal planning commission approved a development permit on Dec. 19 for a group home for adults with developmental disabilities on 42 Street.

The Town of Olds’ municipal planning commission approved a development permit on Dec. 19 for a group home for adults with developmental disabilities on 42 Street.

Accredited Supports to the Community made the application for the permit and it was approved subject to six conditions outlined by the town’s development staff in a report to MPC members.

One of the conditions is that the development be for "residential care." Others include that the development must be completed in its entirety in accordance with the approved site plan, that a maximum of six residents live at the home and that a minimum of one ASC staff member be present when there is a resident at the home. No alterations, other than routine maintenance, may be made to the exterior of the building and no signage may be erected on the property.

During the meeting, five people in the gallery of about 25 people spoke, including three people who spoke in favour of the development and two who were opposed. Development department staff received seven letters supporting the application and three opposing it.

Conrad Sherwin, who lives adjacent to the subject property, said he was concerned about parking for the facility being only 1.5 metres from his bedroom window and the home’s staff potentially disturbing his sleep when they come to work. He also said the garage attached to the subject property has a motion sensor on it and added the light coming on could disturb him.

"This is where I am concerned," he said, adding he bought his home many years ago on the understanding that the neighbourhood was for single-family homes.

Francis Richardson, who lives across the street from the property, said she was concerned about the potential for increased traffic to the area.

"This area is zoned low-density (residential)," she said. "If you approve this application you are opening the door to other institutional (buildings)."

Town council passed an amendment to the town’s land use bylaw earlier this month allowing "residential care" facilities in low-density neighbourhoods. The change in the bylaw was opposed by some of the same residents who showed up at the Dec. 19 MPC meeting.

Linda Maxwell, executive director of ASC, said the agency strives to blend into neighbourhoods where it operates homes.

"It’s very important to us that we be good neighbours and we believe in our 35 years (in the community) we have been," she said.

Del Bard, a neighbouring resident of an already existing ASC group home in Olds, said he has never had an issue with his "exemplary" neighbours in the 22 years he has lived there.

"(The group home) does not impact the value of my property," he said.

In his submission to the MPC, Werner Fisher, the town’s manager of planning, said the application fits the definitions of the town’s land use bylaw. He said site access issues, traffic considerations and parking were considered as part of the review process.

"Staff do not see any nuisances coming from this application. Approval of the application is consistent with the R-1 (residential) district," he said, noting that group homes have been accepted parts of communities since the 1970s.

After all the submissions were heard and before the vote was taken, commission member Harvey Walsh said it was important for neighbouring residents to remember that ASC would have to abide by the conditions of the development permit and those conditions should allay any concerns they had. He said he didn’t foresee any depreciation of property values and said traffic volumes due to the new use should be "negligible."

Concerns about the planned facility come from stigmas relating to group homes, Walsh added.

"The big elephant in the room is discrimination."

The proposed group home will have spaces for six individuals that will be made available for residents coming out of the Michener Centre, which the province intends to shutter in March.

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