OLDS — The first baby of the new year in Olds has been born.
Maxwell Edward Michael MacPherson is the son of Jennifer Daigle and Matthew MacPherson.
He was delivered at the Olds Hospital and Care Centre on Jan. 2 at 1:34 p.m., weighing eight pounds, 11 ounces.
Max is Jennifer and Matthew’s first baby. Jennifer is 34 and Matthew is 35.
Jennifer said his names are an homage to the two families.
“His two middle names are both his grandfathers, so Edward is mine and Michael is his,” she said.
“And then Max, we just wanted an ‘m’ name because he’s Matthew MacPherson, so we thought ‘Max MacPherson.' "
Max was actually due on Christmas Day but Jennifer and Matthew had a feeling he’d be born on or around Dec. 19, because an ultrasound earlier that month indicated he was already a good birth weight, more than eight pounds.
When that day -- and then the due date -- came and went, their outlook changed.
“I was hoping for a New Year’s baby just because I grew up playing hockey and January 1 is the ultimate hockey birthday so it’s kind of funny,” Matthew said.
Jennifer was in labour for a long time: 44 hours.
"We got through it," thanks to an epidural for the pain, she said.
They both would have been happy with a boy or a girl. They’re thrilled with Max.
“He’s perfect,” Jennifer said.
“Yeah, he’s wonderful,” Matthew said. “He’s a good eater, good sleeper. He’s awesome.”
There’s a chance they’ll have another child – in time.
“Not any time soon, but I hear you get amnesia about everything that just took place,” Jennifer said. “But I’m still limping around, so we’ll see.”