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Outgoing mayor discusses decision to withdraw

This year's Olds municipal election run went from boring to boggling in the span of 24 hours, with 13 candidates stepping forward for council, while the sole mayoral candidate was acclaimed. And it was not Mayor Judy Dahl.
Outgoing Olds mayor Judy Dahl says she withdrew from this year’s civic election because it felt like the right time for her to do so.
Outgoing Olds mayor Judy Dahl says she withdrew from this year’s civic election because it felt like the right time for her to do so.

This year's Olds municipal election run went from boring to boggling in the span of 24 hours, with 13 candidates stepping forward for council, while the sole mayoral candidate was acclaimed. And it was not Mayor Judy Dahl.

Our current four-term mayor withdrew as a candidate, leaving Michael Muzychka acclaimed as the new mayor of Olds.

"I'm shocked," said Muzychka. "I figured it would have been the battle of my life to try and unseat somebody like Judy Dahl."

Muzychka wasn't the only one surprised by the decision ñ at least two current council members said they had no idea the mayor was considering stepping away from public life, and less than two weeks ago she gave an interview to the Albertan enthusiastically confirming her candidacy.

Dahl said that it was with great reluctance that she chose to withdraw as a candidate.

"I'm going to admit that I am a little numb right now," she said shortly after the withdrawal deadline had passed. "I did it because my heart told me I had to do it, and I accepted it, and it's done."

Dahl said she originally let her name stand because she was concerned that it looked like no one else would step up to the plate.

"I believe there may have been some people that were thinking of it," she said. "I was really hoping that, with inspiration, that they would just understand that if it was in their heart, they should still do it, but it didn't happen."

When nomination day came and another candidate came forward, Dahl said it was a chance to step away. She had wondered at length when the right time for that would be.

"Feeling that beautiful energy of all those nomination papers that came in -- I think there's lots of energy," she said. "I was very happy with the outcome, and there's no good time. It's time."

"I've been waiting a long time to make that decision," she said. "It was just my soul that said I wasn't listening, and that it was time for me to be authentic to my personal self. And not to my career," she said.

In the end, Dahl wasn't totally sure that she had complete passion for another four years.

"I can't let my career become my identity and my life. It has been for 13 years," she said. "The reality hit that four more years is something that you have to be extremely passionate about."

So, what is the passion she is now hoping to pursue?

"My passion is actually writing," she said.

"I have done some things that people have absolutely no idea, and when you tell the stories, their mouth drops," she said. "And I need to share those stories. That's what they're for."

"You don't have experiences in life without being able to put them on paper and share them for others."

Mayor Dahl says that she is positive and optimistic about what the future holds, and to have the chance to step away from the demands of public life.

"I have to be able to get up and run away if I want to run away," she said. "And not have to be concerned about the ship, which I took full responsibility for."

So, does she think the ship is going to be left in good hands?

"We have a new CAO, we have a full council of six members that have let their names stand, and new elected officials, with new ideas, and energy," she said. "There's going to be an excellent council for the future and for the people here."

"I think the ship is going to sail," she said. "No. Let's rephrase that. I know the ship is going to sail."

Now Olds, you better learn how to spell (and say) M-U-Z-Y-C-H-K-A.

"I have done some things that people have absolutely no idea, and when you tell the stories, their mouth drops. And I need to share those stories."

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