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Politicians, performers pay tribute to volunteers ( 4 photos)

The Olds College Alumni Centre was filled as the Town of Olds held its annual Volunteer Appreciation Celebration

OLDS — It was a full house at the Olds College Alumni Centre last month as the Town of Olds held its annual Volunteer Appreciation Celebration. 

Those who volunteered their time in the community were treated to supper and entertainment by musician Martin Kerr and Friends. 

Several local politicians addressed the crowd. 

“The fact that you’re here is evidence that you care about your community, that you care about your neighbour.  

“And each and every one of you plays such an important part of building our community,” Olds-Didsbury-Three Hills MLA Nathan Cooper said. 

"Whether you are on a parent/teacher council group, whether you are at the food bank or at the myriad of organizations that make our community one of the best places in all of Alberta to live,” he added. 

“From the very bottom of my heart and on behalf of all members of the legislative assembly, thank you for doing everything that you do to make our community so wonderful and for giving a little piece of yourselves to make someone else’s self just a little bit better. 

“I think that is the ultimate form of public service.” 

Mountain View County Reeve Angela Aalbers paid tribute not only to those in the room but also those who were unable to attend “because I’m sure they’re out volunteering somewhere else and doing more wonderful things than they’ve done already.” 

“It’s often said that volunteers are the lifeblood of any thriving community and the greater Olds area is no different,” Aalbers said. 

“From coaches for youth sports to those who organize community clean-up campaigns or provide counseling and comfort in times of need or those who deliver vital services to our seniors, there is no end of incredible work these people do in and around our community, so we just think you’re remarkable. 

“At Mountain View County, we are indebted to the volunteers who serve not only Olds but in and around our five partner municipalities.” 

Mayor Judy Dahl called volunteers “the true leaders in our community.” 

“When we volunteer, we give a part of ourselves, our time. And the most precious thing of our life is our time,” Dahl said. 

“You’re the greatest gift of giving a municipality can ever secure. You’re the power behind the social wellbeing, the capital investment that creates a healthy, flourishing, sustainable community.” 

Kerr also took time before performing to address the volunteers, saying he appreciated playing for them. 

"Everybody offers what they can – their skills, their time, their resources and I think that’s better than any fancy stadium,” he said. “It’s definitely worth holding onto and worth celebrating. 

“Any time of day or night you can go online and see what the Kardashians have been up to or who’s won an Oscar or all of these kinds of things. 

“But actually, I don’t find that very interesting. It’s much more interesting to get together with people in your community and talk about the real stuff that’s going on. And that’s what we’re going to celebrate tonight,” Kerr added, sparking applause.

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