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Volunteer encourages others to get involved

Local volunteer Maureen Gustafson knows it's not easy for couples who both work to find much time to volunteer. But she says they don't have to do much. Even a little bit will help, thanks to the multiplier effect. "I know that it's hard for people.
Maureen Gustafson at her home in Olds.
Maureen Gustafson at her home in Olds.

Local volunteer Maureen Gustafson knows it's not easy for couples who both work to find much time to volunteer.

But she says they don't have to do much. Even a little bit will help, thanks to the multiplier effect.

"I know that it's hard for people. I really do understand the demands of a job and the demands of a family and then extracurricular (activities). But if we each did one tiny thing, it all adds up and makes a difference," she said during an interview with the Albertan.

"I think that that was one of the blessings that I had is that we made the choice when we got married that faith and family would be our priorities and so I was blessed to be a homemaker and that allowed me to be more involved," Gustafson said.

"However, I think that people, where there are two-income families, still have gifts that need to be shared and you know, you want things for your own kids, and so that's going to call for some volunteers to provide those things."

Gustafson has been volunteering for decades, especially in things that are associated with her faith, like schools and church councils or activities. She has also been involved in prenatal classes and is currently a member of the Olds and District Hospice Society.

As the Albertan reported earlier, in recognition of all she has done for the community of Olds and beyond, Gustafson received a Women of Excellence Award during the 11th annual Red Deer & District Community Foundation’s Women of Excellence Award Gala earlier this month.

She was nominated in the category of health and wellness, with a focus on spiritual health.

"I was really surprised, and quite humbled, when you consider all the people who had been nominated," Gustafson said.

"I always put 'win' in quotation marks because it's not about winning. I think being nominated is an honour, and I think everybody does whatever they do to the best of their ability and we're just thankful as a community that they do.

"I guess my premise in life is that every one of us is gifted by God with certain talents, but they're not ours to keep; they're ours to share. So everybody should do what they can with their talents to better our community," she added.

"I've just been fortunate that I've been able to volunteer in a whole variety of capacities."

Among her accomplishments, Gustafson created a sports council to help fund and support sports at the high school. She also served on the awards committee.

She could understand why some people may wonder how being involved in a sports council has anything to do with spirituality.

"The people who nominated me felt that I brought my spirituality or a certain grace towards what I did so that it showed through -- I don't know, my personality, anyway, showed through in what I did," she said.

After more than four decades of volunteering, Gustafson says she's trying to slow down.

"Right now I'm president of our Catholic Women's League and I know that will end in January; I will have somebody to replace me. I've always thought that part of anyone's role is to call forth the gifts of others. So I do try, when I'm in a capacity to sort of call forth or train somebody else to take over," she said.

"We are at the point in life where we like to be away a little bit more so I am trying to find people to replace me in different ministries."

Gustsfson's biggest reward now is to see successive generations of the Gustafson family volunteering.

"What has been most rewarding to me, even more than being recognized and getting the statue, is seeing my five kids and their spouses doing what I have done," Gustafson said.

"Now I have 15 grandchildren, and some of them are old enough that they have begun to volunteer.

"And for me, that's where the reward is."

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