Re: Writer supports Bighorn Country proposal, page 17, March 12 Gazette.
I have a couple of comments on the letter in reference to the government's proposed Bighorn Country changes.
First, nowhere in the letter does the writer even discuss, let alone provide, any reason or need to create new provincial parks, recreational areas, campgrounds or trails in some of the most beautiful, undisturbed wilderness and wildlife habitat remaining in Alberta and Canada. I spend at least two months a year camping, hiking, hunting and fishing in the area and see nothing wrong with just leaving it as it is -- pristine and wild.
Secondly, I doubt that randomly selected opinion polls across Alberta are worth very much or reach any more "informed" people than the writer implied "ignorant and uninformed" local users. In any event polls of likely voters, informed or otherwise, should have no effect on the decision.
I suspect poll questions like "Are you in favour of more conservation and protection for our wilderness areas?" would get lots of yes votes; questions like "Are you in favour of developing our wilderness areas?" would not. Let's try for more protection and less development.
– Ken Stauffer,