I recently volunteered to erect signs in Olds for a candidate in the upcoming provincial election. I figured that since my father risked life and limb in the Second World War, along with thousand of other Canadians, fighting for democracy and freedom, it is the least I could do to aid in ensuring that we continue to have a voice in how we are governed.
Unfortunately, as happens in seemingly all elections, there are incidents of vandalism and theft of election signs. The candidate that I am assisting has, reportedly, lost over 10 per cent of the signs that he had allotted for the town of Olds, to either theft or vandalism. And we are in only the second week of the election campaign.
I can't help but wonder as to the nature of the people responsible for these criminal acts of mischief. Are they misguided patriots who think they are helping their province and country by deliberately prejudicing the chances of election of a candidate they don't like? If so, what gives them the right to choose and to make decisions for other voters?
Are they just Saturday night idiots who don't know any better? Low-lifes, perhaps, who get a sense of power in their otherwise impoverished lives, by destroying the property and efforts of others?
I consider them traitors both to the spirit of democracy and to the democratic process. Election signs are an integral part of Canadian elections. They are, at very least, a public service, in that they educate folks as to what candidates are running for office and are available to vote for. And they are a reminder to people to exercise their democratic privilege and get out and vote.
The destruction of someone else's property is an offence under the Criminal Code of Canada. It is not a joke.
The destruction of election signs is an affront and an insult to every Canadian who has fought for democracy in the wars and peacekeeping actions our nation has been involved in. And it's an insult to those who cherish the memories of those heroes.
I, therefore, encourage you fellow citizens of Olds and Mountain View County to report to the RCMP those who would violate our democratic values and process, through the theft or destruction of election signs. The people who commit such acts are not your friends. They are a threat to our freedom and our way of life.
– Terry Storey,