This is in support of the letter by Dick Stauffer in the Sept. 10 edition of the Olds Albertan.
For the past two years, things seem to have deteriorated in terms of irresponsible spending of public funds and here are some of my thoughts.
The west end of Olds on Highway 27 looks less than attractive to me, given the overcrowding of sculptures, art and flower planters. There's an expression commonly known as "less is more," which certainly could be applied here.
Although the downtown core has some floral installations, to me, it seems like a forgotten landscape in comparison. I'm wondering if some of those planters on Highway 27 could either be eliminated or spread throughout various areas of the town which look more neglected.
I'm not sure who we're trying to impress here, but there are remarks floating around that "west end Olds looks like the dumping grounds for extras."
I'm no financial wizard, but as mentioned in last week's letter, with the downturn in Alberta's economy, it's hard to imagine the idea of maxing out one credit card, then applying for something as "urgent" as $10 million for the operations centre and related expenses.
Could the individuals responsible for such an endeavour explain why this is being done, with all the other available empty shops at the town's disposal?
By the way, what will happen to all that extra real estate if the project goes through? Maybe hold that $10 million thought till the economy shows some signs of recovery.
How is it necessary for the town to have expenditures for two $20,000 pressure washers in the capital budget for both 2018 and 2019? Sounds like another frivolous spending endeavour or the result of careless inventory records.
How is all this equipment monitored? Or is it just as easy to buy more because it's perceived as no money out of the purchaser's pockets? I'm guessing that due to the carelessness of expenditures, there may be many more unknown purchases that we as taxpayers are not privy to.
In closing, I'd like to say nobody likes a good spending spree like I do; the difference being I don't have taxpayers' money to take with me when I shop, so I have to use common sense, which seemingly is not that common.
So as a taxpayer, I'd like Olds councillors to take care and caution when spending my money. I trusted you would care enough to be responsible, that's why I voted.
Darlene Hager,