Canada Day in Sundre was jam-packed with a plethora of family-friendly options for people to enjoy, starting in the morning at the museum up until dusk with a fireworks show best seen from Snake Hill.
Everything started off at the Sundre Pioneer Village Museum, which above and beyond traditional activities also for the first time hosted a car show that later in the afternoon cruised on over to the Sundre Community Centre.
There, the Town of Sundre council hosted a barbecue followed by a family movie made possible by Sundre Fountain Tire as well as a dance before the fireworks finale marked the end of the festivities.
The substantial effort put in by the Sundre and District Historical Society in partnership with the Town of Sundre, as well as local businesses and all of the volunteers who offered a helping hand, is nothing less than commendable.
Courtesy of their collaboration in contributing to the community, residents had the opportunity to stay close to home to celebrate Canada Day. Some might not even have had to drive anywhere, or very far, and with no cost of admission, the price sure was right.
Many people enjoy spending time with family and friends on Canada’s birthday, and without local activities they would undoubtedly have little choice but to venture out of town seeking a chance to celebrate.
So we salute the efforts of organizers and volunteers who are so committed to every year providing a hometown party.
However, due to our deadlines ahead of the Canada Day long weekend, the Round Up’s coverage of Sunday’s activities will appear in next week’s edition.
But we hope that everyone who enjoys the opportunity to recognize this country’s anniversary found the chance to take part in the festivities hosted right here in Sundre, and look forward to many more.
— Ducatel is the Round Up’s editor