Regarding Darlana Robertson's column “Civil Debate Gone In Trump Era,” Olds Albertan Tuesday, Dec. 6:
When did it become more offensive to point out racism and bigotry than to act with racism and bigotry? Did I sleep through something?
I remember a time when we honoured those who gave their lives in the fight against fascism, not lectured those who dare to speak out against the casual acceptance of it we've seen in our family and friends this past year.
How entitled these people are, to throw their support behind a man who behaves in such a depraved manner, who says such vile things about other human beings, who is applauded for his candor in that area, to then turn around and be offended that their support of said man incites others to critique them.
President-elect Donald Trump ran a political campaign on a platform of horrific and unapologetic bigotry and that is not something that anyone gets to pooh-pooh away because they like his other policies.
Those who tout “personal responsibility” as a foundation of their political position need to cowgirl up and actually take some for themselves this time.
If you can feel satisfaction in the ascension to power of an admitted and proud sexual assaulter, a man who has consistently displayed that he personifies the worst of our species, you have forfeited your right to any moral indignation that may come from being called a bigot.
As for those sensitive souls who find my words lacking in political correctness, I say: keeping our political discourse civil is not more important than the fight against the normalization of Donald Trump's America.
Maria De Leeuw