On behalf of mayor and council, I am pleased to present a few of the highlights undertaken by the Town of Olds in 2019.
The year 2019 started off with a bang as the Canada Winter Games Torch Relay made its way through town. The relay event attracted huge crowds to Olds as our community celebrated a full day through the spirit of sports.
Events held throughout 2019 continue to grow in size and stature including our annual favorites - such as National Indigenous Peoples Day, Canada Day, Oldstoberfest, and of course Olds Fashioned Christmas.
The growth of the cannabis industry in Olds has seen investments of $100 million to date. An announcement by Alberta Municipal Affairs in November indicated municipalities will be allowed to charge cannabis industry growers with commercial property tax rates in 2020 and this welcome news helped balance the 2020 budget with a zero per cent increase in taxes!
Olds’ major east-to-west thoroughfare welcomed the addition of vibrant art and culture adjacent to Highway 27. Ten Bergen Rock sculptures are exhibited along a meandering sculpture pathway leading west into the Cornerstone development. Watch this high profile area in 2020 for the unveiling of Cornerstone Art Commons, which will feature paintings and photography by local artists.
To ensure the safety of our residents and visitors, a fire master plan and 10-year road map for fire services was developed, along with a new emergency management planning bylaw and table-top exercises were held.
An Economic Development Secretariat was developed for investors and businesses, both regional and provincial to discuss investment and promote Olds as a one-stop shop.
Regional work continued through our partnership with Mountain View County and we are pleased to complete an Inter-Municipal Collaboration Framework.
Mountain View County also announced it will generously match funds of up to $1 million toward enhancing the Rotary Athletic Park sports facility. We look forward to the grand opening of the athletic fields in 2020!
Citizen input and engagement surrounded the budget process and review of the Community Standards Bylaw (Part 1 – specific to dogs). We look forward to continuing future phases of the review with the public in 2020.
It has been my privilege to work with council, administration and a team of employees who work hard to make Olds a healthy, safe, and welcoming community and with that...hold onto your hats, here comes 2020.
The calling of a byelection in November 2019 leaves us with a field of seven candidates vying for one vacant council seat. Advanced votes will be held Jan. 3 and 4 and byelection day is Jan. 20, 2020.
The excitement continues, so please watch for:
• the grand opening of Rotary Athletic Park of Olds
• the Champions Cup Curling Event in April
• new operations centre
• expansion of our cemetery
Michael Muzychka,
Town of Olds mayor