Congratulations to the class of 2019 high school grads in Olds and Bowden.
As speakers said, this achievement represents years of hard work and sacrifice, not only by grads themselves but also by their families; parents, grandparents and others.
It's an exciting time.
From here, some will go directly into the workforce while others go on to post-secondary education at a college or university. Some are taking time off before deciding what the next phase of their lives will be.
Congratulations also to 2019 École Olds High School valedictorian Rexelle Asis.
It was announced during the school's cap and gown ceremony Friday that Asis will receive the first ever valedictorian scholarship, named in honour of 2014 valedictorian Mitchell Ormann, who passed away last fall.
That's such a fitting tribute for both Ormann and Asis, both of whom not only excelled academically but in other fields as well.
As Asis said in his remarks, this year's grads have much to be proud of. They've come a long way from the days when they first walked in to what seemed like a very imposing building.
His advice is good. Work hard in the future, but don't forget to take care of number 1.
As he said, if you don't look after yourself, you'll never be able to realize your dreams.
Know that wherever you go in the future, whatever your challenges, the people of Olds, Bowden and area are solidly behind you.