I am writing in regards to your recent article in the Gazette, ìTrial Underway In Sundre Assault Case.î I view this as a very disrespectful and distasteful article since the case is only underway and not even half done. You have chosen to use poor judgment in the information which you provided and I feel sorry for all the individuals involved, who are permanently damaged by your choice of words. You forgot to mention the reasons of the case and that only these incidents took place with one side of a story. It looks to me that this is a journalistic error of conviction by press and I would assume that you should maybe apologize to these people or put forth some facts pertaining to the case and not just statements you choose. I understand it's freedom of the press but make facts be known. I know both parties and I believe this article is insulting to everyone. You may choose to write that there is a trial underway for the named incidents that are suspected to have occurred and then write the whole story once it's done. There are people on both sides of this case that have to live here and be seen as you have portrayed them before the facts were all together. Half-truths tend not to be very appealing and the community has assumptions now as to blame without the whole story. I would hope you make better choices in your future publishings and realize this is a small community here and not some oversized city where nobody knows anyone. Both parties and their families have to now deal with your poor judgment on this article and I feel for them.M. SealyMountain View County