As the province’s top revenue producer, the oil and gas industry is absolutely vital to the well-being of communities of all sizes.
There is no question that without the billions of dollars generated annually through fossil fuel extraction Alberta would immediately become a have-not province, with widespread negative impacts on education, health, infrastructure and other public services.
As such efforts aimed at improving the oil and gas industry’s ability to function efficiently and in an environmentally sustainable fashion are in Alberta’s best interest.
According to Energy Minister Margaret McCuaig-Boyd changes announced last week to the regulatory process for new oil and gas projects in Alberta will increase fairness while saving the industry millions of dollars.
“We're fighting for jobs and making our oil and gas sector more competitive by modernizing the application process for energy projects,” said McCuaig-Boyd.
“This saves industry time and money, while making it easier for everyday folks to make their voices heard. These improvements are a win for communities and a win for hard-working people in Alberta's energy industry.
“A more efficient regulatory process means new oil and gas projects can begin operating faster, creating jobs and maintaining competitiveness as Alberta leads the country in growth.”
Jim Ellis, CEO of the Alberta Energy Regulator, applauded the changes, calling them good for the oil and gas industry and the province as a whole.
“One of the AER’s objectives is to find efficiencies by eliminating duplication and simplifying the regulatory approvals process,” said Ellis. “The Integrated Decision Approach has improved regulatory efficiency and provides us with a path forward for further savings in the future.
“The new process is fairer, faster and more accessible, saving industry hundreds of millions of dollars while making the process more transparent and accessible for Albertans.”
Alberta communities, including in this region, rely heavily on a successful and vibrant oil and gas industry. Hopefully these newly announced regulatory changes will prove to be helpful to the industry and the province over the long term.
- Singleton is the Mountain View Gazette editor