Recently, I received an email from the Liberal Party of Canada asking me to tell them what I think about the party's accomplishments so far, and what I feel should be their priorities in the future.
I had a choice of about 45 issues that I could check off. I read through the list and found it significant that the issue of going after tax cheats aggressively was not included.
Canada is losing billions of dollars annually by being soft on wealthy Canadians that avoid or evade paying their fair share of taxes. This is money that could be used for debt repayment, deficit reduction, infrastructure renewal or social services.
When the wealthy elite cheat on taxes, ordinary Canadians have to pay more.
On the rare occasion when the wealthy elite get caught, they are given a slap on the wrist. If I were caught cheating on my taxes, I could likely be incarcerated, but I've not heard of wealthy tax cheats spending time in jail.
The Liberal Party, like their predecessor, the Conservatives, seem to be following a double standard when it comes to tax law, one for common Canadians and another for the wealthy elite.
William Dascavich