I have to say I am personally disgusted by the amount of news stories you are doing about the homeless woman and the animals that were suffering in her car.
You make her out to sound like she is some kind of hero for ìsurvivingî in the car with these animals. And I also feel you are making it sound like the dog was basically stolen, the dog was rescued and it's too bad the cats couldn't be rescued as well.
I think there are more important news items going on in and around our community that readers would be interested in.
Why not talk about the fact there is no real bylaw officer here in Olds that can deal with abandoned/homeless and hurt animals, that there is no shelter, nowhere for people who find lost animals to take them, they have to rely on the Olds Buy/Sell Facebook page to get the word out, etc.
Maybe people would like to hear more about that, than just this homeless lady. I do feel sorry for her, everyone does. But enough making it sound like she was this major victim and the dog was stolen. The dog deserves more than to be made into sensationalism.
Mayanne Campbell,