Re: “All too quick to judge" p. 32 April 17 Gazette.
I love it when people quote passages from the Bible to prove their view. This has been so to prove the world is flat and to prove that you should beat your child every day, yet in each case you didn't read the whole book.
In Leviticus 18:22 God told Moses that for men to lay together as with a woman is an abomination, and since Jesus said I and the Father are one, I have to assume Jesus is of the same opinion, therefore it is not I as a Christian who has judged. I am merely repeating what God said.
I also see Jesus' teaching on lust and adultery in Matthew 5:28 and Paul's teaching on agreeing with and encouraging that which is wrong in God's eyes (Romans 1:32) to be equivalent to doing it. I also find Ezekial 3:18 to say that if I neglected to warn someone I am guilty.
On the abortion issue I will refrain from Scripture and rely on my knowledge as a licensed bovine artificial insemination technician. We can chemically induce mass ovulation, inseminate at the proper time, flush (chemically cause embryo release and "vacuum" them up), sex them, freeze, transport them around the world, re-thaw them, replant them in a cow and have about a 50 per cent live calf success rate if we did everything right. This embryo is considered live and is in the process of becoming another bovine.
Terry Storey also applauds Mr. Trudeau's "evolving" religion. I will not defend the Catholic Church, but I will say that if you take what claims to be a God “breathed" belief system and change it, you might as well go to the Dollar Store, buy a plastic or ceramic figurine and say, "This is my God."
In regard to tax breaks for churches, there are many studies available that show the tax loss suffered by government is far exceeded by the social good done by these organizations, and that it would require much more tax money if government was to replace them.
In regard to all the evils laid at the feet of Christians I will end by again quoting the Bible. Philippians 3:18 -- “For many walk, whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are enemies of the cross of Christ." (New King James Version).
Marvin Engel