In response to the letter to the editor from Jim Carroll in the Sept. 27 edition of the Innisfail Province, more than the firing of fire chiefs should be concerning.
Jim, how often in the past few years has the town's employee roster been overhauled and job descriptions shifted about so that a long-term senior employee has had their job disappear so that a new employee from elsewhere can be hired?
There have been far too many long-term employees who quit or were terminated for unknown reasons, and worst of all, it seems they are reluctant to talk about it for fear of recriminations.
How blind can the council be? Are they just there to “rubber-stamp” what senior management tells them they have to do?
You see Jim, more than just Chief Clark have had their lives uprooted and a blight cast upon future employment elsewhere. Were secret confidentiality agreements imposed upon former employees? Does management have something unsavoury they want hidden from council and the public? Will any legitimate questions about management and problems with town employment be satisfactorily answered? Will council look into this deplorable situation and give the people the answers they deserve, or will the mayor once more say “things are fine and I have utmost confidence in management?”
Jim Carroll has it right -- "why is good help not easy to keep?”
Frederick Peitzsche