Our family would like to take this opportunity to thank the physicians, nurses and staff at the Olds Hospital and Care Centre.
On Saturday Feb. 25, our three-year-old daughter suffered a seizure at our house north of town. A nurse friend of ours acted quickly on our behalf to alert the emergency room that we were coming in.
When my wife arrived carrying the limp body of our daughter, they were ready to assist. The team assembled included Dr. Turner, Dr. Sloan and four dedicated nurses who were prepared for our arrival and jumped into action quickly and concisely.
Our daughter's oxygen levels were extremely low and the team managed to end the seizure, stabilize her by sedating her and begin breathing for her in a short amount of time.
My wife and I were amazed how calm and organized the team was in the face of a dire situation. We were calmed by knowing she was in the best care possible.
The STARS air ambulance was grounded, due to the snowstorm, so a pediatric ambulance was ordered from the Alberta Children's Hospital in Calgary.
We were grateful for the ambulance, but it meant a long time for the Olds crew to keep her stable and get her oxygen levels back up.
For over two hours the team dedicated themselves to keeping our little girl alive and stable until the ambulance could arrive. During this time, a whole slew of people began praying for our little girl who was on death's door.
Churches from Olds, Ponoka, Stettler, Three Hills, Rosetown, Phoenix and even El Salvador quickly spread the need on their prayer chains.
Around midnight, the ambulance arrived and she was transported to the Alberta Children's Hospital where she was given a CT scan and multiple other tests to determine the extent of the trauma on her body and brain.
Our experience with the children's hospital was top-notch. We had the opportunity to see the very best pediatric doctors and nurses in action. They helped us understand what had happened and what they were concerned about.
We met with two neurologists on Sunday morning who informed us that her CT scan came back 100 per cent. All of the tests that were run showed no negative signs and a full recovery was expected.
Throughout Sunday we saw our little girl begin breathing on her own and the removal of the machines she was attached to. By mid-afternoon she was deemed ready to be moved from the ICU to a ward.
We stayed in the ward through Sunday night and by Monday morning the doctors were so pleased with her progress that she was released Monday afternoon. By Tuesday morning we had our little girl virtually back to 100 per cent.
We are extremely blessed to have such a terrific team of professionals at the Olds Hospital and Care Centre. As well, at our doorstep, in Calgary, we have one of the top pediatric hospitals in the country dedicated to helping the little ones who most need their help.
We also have a community that is dedicated to the needs of one another as demonstrated by the response to the prayer requests sent throughout Olds and area.
We as a family are truly humbled and blessed to have our little girl still with us.
Thank you all once again.
Paul, Franshesca, Maryn and Edyn Hildebrand
Rural Olds