Great battles had been fought throughout human history – the ones of ancient Israel by slaying giants, from Napoleon to the First World War, to the present day war on terrorism.
But there was one man with one mission, with one purpose who came to do battle with unseen forces.
You can read about this man in the Holy Bible; not any secondary book, but the Holy Bible itself.
Is the Bible relevant for us today? When we read the Bible it points us to three things: The Life of Jesus, Life with Jesus and Life for Jesus.
This Easter please understand it is not a memorial for Christ. It is a celebration of His life! And not only His life, but also a celebration that He won the most epic battle of the ages that one man could ever win. He bore our sin in His body on the tree, that we being dead to sin could live unto righteousness.
When Jesus cried from the cross, “it is finished,” there was an earthquake, and the veil in the synagogue was torn from top to bottom.
Jesus defeated Satan and all the forces of evil. This is no memorial holiday! It is a celebration of victory and a battle that was won for you and me.
On Sunday April 1 join us at River of Life assembly as we celebrate Zion’s Hope: Jesus Messiah, the victor of the greatest battle ever, the One who defeated death, the grave, and gives us power to real life for Christ today, until He returns.
This is God’s relevant message for you this Easter Sunday.
Gerald Bradbury is the pastor at the River of Life Pentecostal Assembly.