It's Halloween time again.
Let's all do what we can to make tomorrow's night of ghouls and goblins as safe as possible.
Here are a few tips from Olds RCMP Staff Sgt. Jim MacDonald:
Avoid the use of masks which may impair a child's ability to see what's around him or her, including cars.
Use costumes that are made of light-coloured material, or place reflective tape on the costumes so that drivers have a better chance of seeing your child.
Young children should always be accompanied by an adult.
If your child is old enough to go out without an adult, make sure he or she is going out with at least one other friend. Discuss the route they will follow and set a curfew.
It is also a good idea to provide children with a flashlight and cellphone. Tell them not to eat any of the candy until they get home so parents can look through it first and make sure it's safe to eat.
Children should not visit houses that are not well lit or go inside a stranger's house.
Trick-or-treaters should always walk on sidewalks and should only cross the street at crosswalks or intersections. Don't criss-cross back and forth across the street.
Ghosts and other ghouls should work their way up one side of the street and then do the other side.
Following are some tips for drivers:
Pay extra attention and drive slowly, as young children will be distracted and may not be aware of the rules of the road.
Some children may be wearing dark costumes or masks that can impair their visibility and awareness of their surroundings. They may also be prone to unexpectedly darting across the street in their excitement.
If you and your kids follow these rules we should all have a safe Halloween for everyone.
And don't forget:
Police will be patrolling the streets to help keep the children safe and to remind motorists to drive cautiously.