Friends of the Earth Canada is calling on residents of Olds to join the Great Canadian Bumble Bee Count and help scientists learn more about these important pollinators.
All it takes is a simple snap of a picture of bumblebees you see in your garden, park or campsite and upload to
The Canadian member of Friends of the Earth International, one of the world's largest grassroots environmental organizations, is partnering with Bumble Bee Watch to deliver the first ever Great Canadian Bumble Bee Count.
Bumble Bee Watch, created by scientists from the Xerces Society, York University and Wildlife Preservation Canada, is an ambitious citizen-science project that asks people to take pictures of bumblebees when they see them, note their location and upload them online, where they will be verified by a team of researchers.
For our Great Canadian Bumble Bee Count, we want to help Bumble Bee Watch's researchers by seeing how many bumblebees we can find across Canada from now until Aug. 15.
Bumblebees are effective pollinators for many of the crops we eat and for many of the wildflowers in our fields and forests, but several of their species are dramatically declining.
Though there are over 40 confirmed species of bumblebees in Canada, they have little proper monitoring.
Anyone can help keep track of and protect these bees by participating in the Great Canadian Bumble Bee Count and joining Bumble Bee Watch today. All you need is a camera and some curiosity to find the bees in your town.
For more information, contact
Frances Fyfe
Friends of the Earth Canada