Open letter to Premier Danielle Smith, MLA Jason Nixon and to whomever else it may concern:
I am writing to you to ask for urgent attention to real pressing matters affecting the populations you represent.
Please read this, as it is what you must prioritize in your position. I have two extremely important and urgent issues that I would hope you will also consider matters of serious import.
Issue 1: Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) is a poorly written law that needs amending now
Our Canadian freedom to live how we want to – or more accurately never live how we don't want to – is being denied to the most vulnerable citizens who are suffering terribly, cruelly, and unnecessarily. It is extremely tragic and our government should not be delaying the modifications to MAiD law to allow both advance requests and access to MAiD for those with terminal mental illnesses. There is inadequate support and access to care as our medical system is at a breaking point with no end in sight. So, to be ethical towards the suffering of Canadians as well as ease the strain on our system, you should be arguing that to progress humanely this must be enacted forthwith. We are allowed to choose what happens after we die, how come we have no rights about how we never want to live?
Issue 2: Recycling facilities and environmentally responsible changes
Immediate action must be taken. Do you know that the residents of Mountain View County, Sundre and I am sure many other counties and municipalities are being told to throw all household waste into the landfill?
Even when we sort and pay money for taxes for extra trucks to pick up the bins, there is nowhere for it to go. We have no access to recycling for paper, plastic, glass, metal etc.
Ever since our federal government discontinued the export of recycling to Asia (exploitation of China) many years ago, there has been no accountability for a go-forward solution. This is gross negligence that shouldn't need explaining. Canada must create its own industry to deal with the basic needs of Canadian citizens, which includes not burying our heads in the sand along with every other piece of garbage.
Please advise on what action you will be taking to do your duty and raise the need for responsibility to both our provincial and federal governments.
I appreciate your support, thank you.
Tessa Smith,