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Letter: Disgusted by Catholic school board behaviour regarding Nazi, Pride post

Letter writer has pulled municipal property tax support away from the Catholic school system

As a lifetime active and committed Roman Catholic I am absolutely disgusted by the behaviour of the Red Deer Catholic Schools board in its treatment of democratically-elected trustee Monique LaGrange, so much so that I have changed my municipal property tax support away from the Catholic school system, and I encourage others to do the same. Let me explain.

For what it’s worth, I still 100 per cent support the idea of having a Catholic school system, or for that matter any school system that includes Christian values, and most of what they do is good. 

However, I’ve watched Catholic school board after Catholic school board drift to the left and follow woke and indeed non-Christian values down the slippery slope, and at some point in time a person needs to vote with either his feet or his checkbook.

And I will withhold my funding until they stop drifting away from Christian values and start drifting back towards them. 

I read a letter to the editor recent in this newspaper where the obviously completely uneducated and thoroughly unfamiliar with Calgary values letter writer made the despicable Lib-Left deception/distraction/head fake by introducing the classic warp, attempting to make this issue about Ms. LaGrange supposed comparing victims of the Holocaust with what is going on at this moment in schools, particularly teaching and promoting values that go completely against Catholic faith and beliefs.

In no way shape or form could a reasonable person deduce from this unfortunate kerfuffle that Ms. LaGrange is in any way drawing a parallel between the despicable and inhumane harm done by perpetrators of the Holocaust atrocities with the damage done to our youth by indoctrinating them with woke trendy values, the kind that change weekly and blow with the prevailing winds. Her message was clear, it was only about indoctrination.

The Catholic church is a rock (“On This Rock I Will Build My Church” Matthew 16), and needs to stay a rock.

As Christians we are called to love all people regardless of who they live their lives. We don’t judge; however, we are not called to actively promote lifestyles and activities that contradict our faith and morality.

If school boards and elected trustees can’t follow that principle, who can?

Curt Hanselmann,


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