Dear Graysen,
We are Mrs. Clarke’s Grade 7 literacy class at École Deer Meadow School in Olds. You may not
know us, but we know you.
We know you from seeing your strength when you spoke at Ryan’s funeral.
Although some of us knew Ryan, Robert is our friend, and we numbered many to support the McBeath family and friends that day. So we were there and watched as you and your teammates role-modelled
what love and admiration for a friend looks like.
We know you from the Humboldt tragedy. We have all ridden on a bus with buddies before,
whether we are farm kids coming to school, sports players on a team, or a homeroom class
going on a field trip. We know you because we are you.
We know you because we hear of your unyielding courage, your positive spirit and outlook and
your unconquerable resiliency. We know you because we see in you a tenacity that makes us want
to fight harder, to set goals of success for ourselves and to never, ever quit.
We know you because we are wearing Broncos green to school; we are donating and fundraising
for your cause. We know you because we are buying #HumboldtStrong T-shirts to wear and are
leaving hockey sticks on our front porches.
We know you because you embody the core values of who and what a Canadian kid is …. of what
an Olds kid is … and most importantly, what a true Hero is. You may not know us Graysen
Cameron, but we all know who you are.
Enclosed is a sheet of our green thumbprints for you. Thank you for being a powerful
inspiration to each and every one of us. We look forward to hearing news of a speedy recovery.
Wishing you all the best from some of your greatest fans,
Mrs. Lori Clarke and 7-1 literacy class
École Deer Meadow School