RCMP officers have launched their new mandatory roadside screening program.
A lot of drivers were confused on what that meant exactly.
Would they be tested every time they were pulled over?
The answer is they could very well be; it’s up to the police officer to decide.
That’s the gist of the new regulations.
Regardless of what you’re being pulled over for, you could be screened.
So far, local officers have heard pretty good feedback about the mandatory screenings.
Locals have said that if it helps keep impaired drivers off the roads, then go for it.
According to MADD Canada, in 2014 about 1,273 lives were claimed in collisions where an individual tested positive for alcohol and/or drugs.
They break down those statistics even further.
Of those over 1,200 people, 299 deaths occurred in a collision involving alcohol impairment, while 618 had someone impaired by drugs, and 356 had someone who was positive for both drugs and alcohol.
It seems the RCMP are kicking it up a notch when it comes to impaired drivers; whether it’s because of the legalization of cannabis, or they’re just trying to make the roads a safer place for everyone, it will be interesting to see the difference it makes in the long run.
Just remember, if an officer pulls you over and asks for a mandatory roadside screening, it takes two minutes, and they’re just trying to do their jobs, which is keeping everyone safe.
- reprinted from Bonnyville Nouvelle, a Great West newspaper. Written by Meagan MacEachern.