Re: ìCouncillors pan policy of free dust control for someî by John Gleeson (Jan. 18).It's good to see that council will probably be trashing the free dust control program, in its budget deliberations. Just another one of those things that demonstrates how out of touch the old council was, with reality. As they say, there is no such thing as a free lunch. Besides being discriminatory, if you can afford to give a free service worth between five and six hundred dollars, it doesn't take genius to see that property taxes could be reduced by that amount. In a rural area, dust is a fact of life and if you live here, it's your problem, not the county's. Apparently Kemmere hasn't got that message.As well, we are paying to rebuild a bridge that some dimwit decided to torch. Council owes it to the ratepayers to do its utmost in encouraging the apprehension of the culprit and recover the cost. I'm proposing a substantial reward be offered for the apprehension and conviction of the culprit. This should have been done immediately after the fact.Hans Ullman