It has bothered me for several years that there is so much hype for Halloween -- the money spent on decorations, costumes and candy.
Don't get me wrong. I like decorating and giving candy away too, but what bothers me is the little recognition for Remembrance Day just a week and a half later.
Why can't I find Remembrance Day decorations in the stores?
I want to recognize and show our appreciation and respect for the many, many veterans who served our country, for those who paid the ultimate price, for those who have returned and still suffer, for those who are still serving, and for the families who wait for their return.
To me, Remembrance Day should supersede anything that Halloween is about. It's not just a day off work, or a day off from school. We are fortunate enough to live the lives we have because of their service.
It's important that you wear a poppy during the month of November. The Poppy Fund helps veterans and families in many ways. Why not do more?
Decorate your yard, your car and your backpack. Wear a Remembrance Day T-shirt.
How about donating just half of the money you spent on Halloween costumes and candy to your local Royal Canadian Legion? Those funds will assist veterans. Just half of your Halloween budget.
What better way to show your thanks? We must always remember, but what we would donate (half of our Halloween spending), would be so minor to what our soldiers have given.
To those that have served, and those now serving our country, "thank you!"
Because we cannot easily find Remembrance Day decorations, my husband Craig and I made one of our own, and hope to add to our display each year. You could do the same. 1
The schools do a great job at teaching their students about the great wars and the sacrifices our soldiers made. Do we belittle those teachings by playing up Halloween, and doing little for Remembrance Day? You have 10 or 11 months to search for or make some Remembrance Day decorations for 2017.
Let's show our veterans, troops, town, and our country that Innisfail truly remembers. For next Nov. 11 take down your Halloween decorations, and decorate your lawn, house, car, or whatever with a sign, flag, poster or poppies. The greatest message though, will be to our children.
Brenda Perry has been an Innisfailian for eight and half years, and is a member of the Innisfail Royal Canadian Legion. She was inspired to write her column following this past Remembrance Day.