How is it that the Town of Innisfail fails to email our May bill due to a technical difficulty and I am penalized $4.73!
When I finally received my June invoice, there is a notice stating there is yet another technical difficulty and the email may be sent twice. Can they not even get the billing system under control?
When I opened the email, my water, sewer and garbage bill for two people for the month of June was $302! Who can afford to live in this town with utility bills this outrageous? In 2004, with volunteers from four of our churches, I started the breakfast program at our local elementary school. At that time, over 30 per cent of the students were going to school hungry. Imagine now, with town bills like this, how many kids are going hungry every morning. This council and administration have created an "us and them" environment. More often than not when you read the local paper they are in a "spat" with somebody, either a community group, a neighbourhood or their own staff. If they are not spatting with someone, then we are reading about yet another senior staff person who has resigned. We need a council and administration that are engaged with their citizens, not ones that think offering cookies and milk once a month is connecting with the community. There will soon, in a couple of years, be a municipal election. I know when casting my vote I will remember how this council and administration wasted taxpayers' dollars on "Isle of Destiny" campaigns, refused to listen to our concerns and increased our town utility rates to the highest in the province. I know they won't be getting my vote! Diane Huston Innisfail