I attended last week's town council meeting where our board made another presentation to council in an attempt to get the council to recognize that the volunteer board cannot continue to operate the Aquaplex.
As a citizen of Sundre, I was more than disappointed with council’s silence to the incredible news of the board turning a large deficit into a surplus, in addition to providing major physical improvements such as new boilers, improved showers, inside and outside enhanced appearance improvements and a new waterslide. The pool and gym are used more than ever before in the history of the facility. There was not one word of thanks to the board or even a comment such as “great job!"
Among the current volunteer board are three individuals who I feel deserve special recognition and thanks for the thousands of hours given to oversee the operation of the pool and gym. They are Leona Bennett, and Réal and Leslie Turgeron. During this time, Di Halliday should be mentioned as well as having contributed much. Recently, Leslie went from board treasurer to a paid position of Aquaplex manager.
Over the past four years, they have been largely responsible for turning the finances and physical condition completely around. With 18 employees, a multi-million-dollar facility and increased regulations for safety and employment requirements as well as liability exposure, they are saying they cannot continue. The pressure is just too much!
It is my understanding that we are the only municipality in Alberta that has such a wonderful facility operated with volunteer help in this way. How do the other towns provide such a service? They are operated by their towns. There is a good reason for that — it is called economies of scale. They already have in their employ maintenance people (trained to deal with gas and water usage items such as water treatment plants); they have office personnel that do payroll and accounting; and staff that are up to speed with current health and safety as well as other regulations.
With current economic conditions in Sundre, I do not think we want to see its amenities diminish anymore. We need businesses and people to share the tax burden and if possible, to lighten it.
Ed Morgan
Sundre and District Aquatic Society board member