It would seem to go without saying that protecting the health and well-being of Albertans, and young people in particular, would be a top priority for the provincial government.
Unfortunately the Notley NDP continues to fail in its duty when it comes to protecting citizens from the dangers of tobacco use, according to the organization Campaign for a Smoke-Free Alberta (CSFA).
In its recently released Report Card on Tobacco Reduction, the group gave the government a C grade for its overall efforts to reduce tobacco use.
The organization cited the fact that large sections of the Tobacco and Smoking Reduction Act remain un-proclaimed and un-implemented four years after being passed as an example of unacceptable government inaction.
In particular, the group says the fact that measures aimed at reducing tobacco use by young people have not been put into action highlights a failure of leadership.
"One cabinet meeting could make a world of difference to thousands of Alberta youth who will start using tobacco while this life-saving legislation remains largely un-implemented,” the CFSA said.
"The government needs to fully implement the act in order to prevent the tobacco industry from recruiting more kids with its predatory marketing strategies. One of every two youths who continues to smoke as an adult will die from tobacco related diseases.”
It can be argued with some merit that adult smokers have the right to use tobacco products if they choose to do so – tobacco is a legal product and, as such, penalizing people for using it could not be justified.
At the same time, tobacco companies have the legal right to market their products, within strict limitations.
However, when it comes to young people, the situation is entirely different.
As such, the government should act without further delay to implement the Tobacco and Smoking Reduction Act, or at least those measures aimed at stopping youth tobacco use.
Failing to do so would rightly be seen to represent a lack of leadership and a betrayal of Alberta’s kids and teens.
- Singleton is the Mountain View Gazette editor