Redirecting the public's attention towards an emotionally controversial issue to escape another is an age-old petty partisan political trick employed to manipulate the masses.
No. 45 has arguably mastered this tactic like no other before him.
Following the U.S. president's recent dismal failures over his grandiose promise for healthcare reform ó despite the Republicans owning a clear majority in the current American administration ó he was quick to divert public attention towards another hot button issue and posted on social media that transgendered persons would no longer be welcome in the American military.
"The United States Government will not accept or allow transgender individuals to serve in any capacity in the U.S. Military," he Tweeted last week, apparently completely oblivious to the fact thousands of such qualified and competent individuals are already currently serving with honour and distinction.
So much for his campaign pledge about being an ally for the LGBTQ community.
Even the Canadian military responded, with the Armed Forces' official Twitter account posting a message of support and welcome to individuals of any orientation who are committed to volunteering in service to their country.
But what this sadly all boils down to is the fact Trump's tweets are ó especially in the face of rock bottom approval ratings ó nothing more than blatant words of mass distraction that fan the flames of division in a flagrantly obvious attempt to pander to his core supporters.
However, that base is immovable anyway and his efforts are ironically counterproductive. Instead of preaching to the proverbial converted choir, the president would be far better off finding ways to mend the growing rift with his detractors rather than providing the opposition with more reasons to stand firm against his administration.
And while the president cites as part of the reason behind his announcement the cost of accommodating transgender service members, which reaches into the millions of dollars, he conveniently ignores the tens of millions of dollars blown on Viagra.
Perhaps transgender veteran and decorated Navy SEAL Kristin Beck said it best when responding to the president's preposterous proclamation, which caught even the highest Pentagon brass off guard despite draft dodging No. 45's claims he made the decision based on his generals' advice.
"Let's meet face to face and you tell me I'm not worthy. Transgender doesn't matter. Do your service," Beck, a 20-year veteran of the elite special forces squad, told Business Insider last Wednesday.
"I was defending individual liberty," she said. "I defended for Republicans. I defended for Democrats. I defended for everyone."
That basically sums it all up.
If a qualified and competent person who is gay, lesbian or transgender wants to pick up arms and serve his or her home in the defence of freedom and democracy alongside other soldiers, who is anyone else ó least of all a draft dodger ó to stop them?