SUNDRE – The Sundre area was one of five places in Alberta to break or tie high temperature records on Thursday.
In a weather summary issued Friday, Environment and Climate Change Canada (Environment Canada) noted the Sundre area recorded a new, record-high temperature for Feb. 27.
The temperature hit 13.1 degrees Celsius (C) Thursday at the Sundre Airport. The previous record for the day of 10.6 C was set in 2006.
Weather records for the area have been kept since 1993.
The following other Alberta areas set a daily maximum temperature record on Thursday, Feb. 27:
• Brooks area - New record of 16.2 C. Old record of 15.0 C set in 1932. Records in this area have been kept since 1912.
• Drumheller area - New record of 12.6 C. Old record of 11.1 C set in 1957. Records in this area have been kept since 1923.
• Milk River area - New record of 15.8 C. Old record of 12.2 C set in 2016. Records in this area have been kept since 1994.
• Waterton Park area – Tied record 14.0 C set in 1992. Records in this area have been kept since 1976.
The federal agency notes that these temperature records have been derived from a selection of historical stations in each geographic area that were active during the period of record.